The towing module should be about size 40. That way, smaller ships cannot tow.
You're not forgetting miniaturization, are you? Some races have it innately too.
An agent could redirect a mining starbase to your empire instead of the enemy's.
A little far fetched, don't you think?
Beyond simply needing to be more powerful, as would be fitting their size and expense, they need more HP and a faster repair ability.
Regarding their size, well, the game isn't very good at those details. A starbase basically has the stats of a large hull, the HPs, the base sensor radius, and the "cost" (as displayed in the Intelligence Report screen, but not really relevant). However, its base crew is a little over that of a huge hull, and its base (no modules) mass is somewhere between a large and a huge hull. Now, the base mass and base crew values for the hulls are very bad and unrealistic:
medium: 20 crew, ~1Kt
large: 220 crew, ~250Kt
huge: 1200 crew, ~3Mt
cargo: 1400 crew, ~500Kt
starbase: 1500 crew, 750Kt
Tiny and small hulls do have some relistic values for fighters and heavy fighters, they just don't feel like them - more like patrols and corvettes. But that's really more of a QA problem, and doesn't really affect gameplay - would be nice if it was given a bit of thought though (hint).
The crew of a starbase does increase dramatically though when you add certain modules, like 5250 with BattleStations, and a whooping 14000 with Devastator Beam - that's a lot of gunners for sure
- Increase hp, alot. They are many times the size of the biggest ships yet their hps are comparatively low.
Actually, the base mass is 1/4 that of a huge hull, and 3x that of a large. See above. As far as actual size, there's no real indication of the span of a starbase, though a huge is not so much longer than a large to justify being 12x as massive; the difference is even greater between a medium and a large, the latter being over 250x more massive. Oh well, just numbers I guess. But I wonder why they "wasted" time implementing the mostly-eye-candy Intelligence Report if it doesn't do a good job at providing "intelligent" data
The gfx are hardly worth it, IMO.
- Allow them to take part of battles inside their sphere of influence
Not sure about this since that would imply them having to fire automatically whenever a ship/fleet entered its SoI. Anyways, the whole SoI I think would be exagerated, maybe only adjacent parsecs?
- Allow them to upgrade themselves
I can imagine Space Miners using resources from the asteroids to build the mining bases (even though "beaming" the resources to the planet, hmm...), but starbases?
Micro isn't nice, sure, but...
Allowing starbases to be towed somewhat decreases the strategic importance of using and placing them intelligently.
2) they should house fleets as planets do now - planets shouldn't have had this capability in the first place (since they have atmospheres). and they should also be captured as planets - meaning they should have population - i.e. small planetoids.
It's a fact that there should be some kind of orbital facility where fleets would be stationed around a planet. Heck, they should be *built* there - and the Colony screen does say Orbital Construction...
But there's no point in trying to make sense of any of it.
Starbases, they do extend the range of ships, which implies some docking capabilities. Capturing them could be a nice thing, Stellar Marines? But I guess it wouldn't be easy to balance, and could become a source of some more cheese.
Or is that, just in keeping within game mechanics too very much?
Maybe they shouldn't even start "what would you like..." threads too, huh?
Not that I'm holding my breath or anything.