Oreo became irrationally upset that I did not start a game as the Oreans, breaking things and insulting me. He did apologize later and gave me a box of nice neckties as a reconciliatory gift.
I forged an alliance against the Drengin, who were up to their usual antics. The Torians, Iconians, Drath and Altarians were all at war with the Drengin, with the neutral races providing support to the good races. The Drengin offered me a peace treaty. I am in the habit of collecting “war reparations,” so I rejected the offer. That’s when I noticed that the diplomacy screen was still up. So I offered a peace treaty on my terms: All his money and all the IP’s he would part with down to the last drop. I clicked send. When the transaction was completed I noticed the diplomacy screen was still up. I thought, “I can’t leave my buddies to fight the Drengin menace alone,” so I declared war again, all in the same diplomatic action. When the turn was over there was no report of the peace treaty or the declaration of war. I noticed that I did not lose popularity among the other races. I even bought a nice trade good.
I was doing this backwards before, making peace to get their money and votes and (because of that UP law) declaring war much later than I wanted to.
So there’s the trick. As you grind your enemy down, offer peace, bleed them and declare war all during the same diplomatic transaction before you click done. After all when you take their last planet their treasury and IP’s will just go to waste.
Hm... interesting.
Never thought of doing that before.
I bet Kryo will be on this stuff like honey ready to report it to the guys upstairs
But, nice trick
Sorry I’ve been slow posting my first Metaverse victory
No worries, we arent about the score, we are about the people and the community of the empire
Hey! Why does this thing say I’m an evil cakewalk!? I’m not evil or a cakewalk
all new chars get branded that for unknow reasons.