An official tak combat post? wow, things have moved one some since I last showed my smiley here!

And as far as I can tell there seems to be none of the old tak guard here... never mind, init.
Tak combat will not be in gc2, period. Which is a shame seeing as I was doing my level best to push the idea in the early days of GC2. The game seems incomplete without the option to be the adhoc admiral now and then, but far from a broken game as some people insist. At the risk of sounding like a pompous old old windbag, I do believe we should be concentrating on how tak should develop in the future sequel of gc2 and refrain from castigating the present game.
As a fan of Moo2 (Master of Orion 2), a return to that kind of tak combat would be ok, but seeing as we're in the 21st century we should expect more

. And I have a few ideas and opinions I'd like to put forward:
Fleet admirals who gain experience points. these points can be used to purchase special abilities such as firepower bonus, fire twice per round, increased logistics and movement (more ideas welcome). Naming them and putting a pic on them would also be a touch.
System overlords/governors with cool bonuses would complement the admiral idea really well.
Real time or turn based combat? Originally, I have said turn based combat is more more appropriate for GC2, but nothing gets you fired up like real time combat.
I'm undecided on this point and would not mind either implementation of tak.
Carriers and death stars and boarding boats and troop ships and monsters and death rays and hard 'terrain' and flanking and battle computers that allow you to fire twice etc etc etc. Any idea that would enrich the combat aspect of the the core gc3 game would be appreciated.
Oh and for those who say that AI can never beat a decent player if tak combat is implemented in a game: Thanks for stating the obvious, AI can never beat a decent player at any aspect of the game, irregardless of bonuses. so why don't we just give up playing the game altogether? Er.. hold on, no-one actually said anything like it in this thread...yet, but if they do, heres my rebuttal. init.
@ ToS Iceman - last I heard, SE 5 was as buggy as hell, has this been remedied? and whats your evaluation on the game?
Long live Tak combat!