Spaxspore B5 Media PACK FINAL For RAV8s B5 MOD
IF you downloaded the FInal Media PAck use the fix pack. I accidently complied the corrupted .bik files ... am reuploading the final pack with the included fixes. But its 200+mb and takes me 2hrs to upload on my pipe. So use the pervious fix pack if you already downloaded the final, if u havnt you can download the file just use the two .bik clip (miltaryvictory & culture victory) from the fix pack. Until i finish uploading.
Sorry everyone! Like i said in my readme, i did this @ 3am yesterday. If u see anyother mistakes please let me know.
I made this media pack to cover the pervious 2 media packs, and also to add additional footage, and feel in the rest of the gaps. The premesis of this mod is in order to gain additional depth from RAV8's B5 mod for Gal CIV 2(more depth the better).
I wasnt sure if i was going to make additonal clips and movies. But after such a postive response from
the community... well what the hell why not.

So not only do we have all the stuff from the previous to packs and the fix pack. But we have new footage,
for the narns, Minbari, Vorlon, EA, and a new starbase Clip.
Also ive redone almost all the race avatars, i think they look a heck of a lot better.(for one, i got a pic
of g'kar

In This mediapack you will have actual movie clips replaceing game ones.
Here is a list of movies/cips replaced:
New Race Images for Vorlons,Minbari,G'Kar (the real Deal), Londo
All Race Clips (default,Happy,Unhappy) Narn,Shadows,Vorlons,Earth Alliance, Centuri, Minbari
Built Starbase (first Starbase)
Victory Culture
Victory Tech
VIctory Alliance
Battleship (your first medium size ship)
Colony (your first Colony)
Trade Route (first Trade ROute)
Trade Route Destroyed
What you need-
Gal Civ2 1.2 installed
B5 Mod .02 by Rav8
Just extract in your stardock\totalgaming
say yes if asked to replace files
Rember if u want to keep the orginal galciv 2 movies, BACK THEM UP before installin this Media Pack
USE WINRAR to extract,
IF something isnt workin, or not showin up correctly,
please let me know. I finished this thing up @ like 3am, so am a bit tired.
Questions or comments please direct them here-
GAL CIV2 forum
Thank you &
Download Link-(FIle Fixed! Go ahead and Download!)
Some Screenies-
After(with my avatars)