test, test, hello? 1, 2, 3, 1 , 1 ,1 test "is this working?" hello? 1, 2 ,1 ,2 ? test test, damn microphone!
someone call the engineer please, yes the engineer, this is not working as it should, you see? 1, 1, test, test, 1 , 1
"that's must be your damn laptop Dave"
"no it isn't!"
"yes it is Dave, you are stupid and you talk to yourself in your stupid laptop that costs 600 Dollars and you are stupid that you bought it"
"hey! you shut up now!"
"I don't care I'm leaving, just give me the cash and I'm getting out of this hole"
"that's not an hole that's my house!"
"yeah yeah, (you ass hole)"
"that's it! get out of my house now!"
"sure, whatever"
"damn, he calls himself an engineer!"
"be shamed!"
"Dave will you go **** my ****"
"come here you!"
... and that's how it ends, that was my last meeting with the repair man.. calls himself an "engineer"
now days, nothing can be fixed!
test,test, 1, 1 "not again!"