Something for you to read about the Dark Yor from my own experience and encounters with them...
OK, we have the Yor Collective as one of the major civs, but who is the Dark Yor? The Yor Collective and the Dark Yor have the one word in common, 'Yor'. But what makes the Dark Yor different from the Yor Collective, other than they are a minor race, and owns only one planet. I looked up the pdf manual, the beginner's guide, the metaverse-galactic databank-civilizations, and there's no mention and description of minor races, including the Dark Yor. Is there any literature or information about them, the minor races, particularly the Dark Yor?
I guess the Dark Yor is splinter group from the Yor Collective, sort of Yor Collective rebels. In the games, I can best remember them as underground market technolgoy dealers, because on several occassions, when I meet them, it says the Dark Yor have stolen all of another civ's technology and are willing to trade these technologies for a price. Well it can be the other way around, like all of my technologies stolen by the Dark Yor.
that's why one day...
While scouting for the Yor Collective ships/planets to punish them for scaring off the Torians on an unexplored space with 11 medium size frigates, 4 advanced troop pod transports, I bumped into Yor II, homeworld of the Dark Yor, and the only planet.
First I was confused that it wasn't the Yor Collective I was hunting for, but the Dark Yor. When I tried to attack, it says, are you sure you want to attack, this will mean declaration of war. I halted the invasion, ok, it's the Dark Yor, one of the minor races with only one planet.
So I spoke with their leader, and traded all my technolgies his 6000BC can afford. After filling up the imperial treasury, with the Senate's approval, I attacked his 6 small size defenders orbiting the planet. Once the Defenders are destroyed, and dropped 4 billion marines into the 15 billion Dark Yor populated Yor II in the same turn.
Dark Yor won't be stealing and trading technologies anymore...
Actually there's a brief description of the Dark Yor in the minor races tab of the diplomacy button in the game. With intelligence report, it says that they are small band of hyper destructive machines and the galaxy is better off without them.