I've only been playing GCIII for a few weeks and it seems like a pretty decent game. I do have a few ideas that may help make the game better, at least in my opinion. So... if any of the actual developers read this... I'm not holding my breath, here's the start of my list.
- When you hover over any item on the right (planet, ship, shipyard, starbase), the popup windows stays right in the way even when you try to scroll. This is very frustrating. Perhaps moving the popup window so it stays out of the interface and doesn't move when your cursor moves. This also goes for anywhere that you have a list of items (Ship yard interface when choosing ships, Starbase interface when viewing installed modules or Queued Modules, planet interface when choosing Available Projects, Diplomacy trade screen)
- The scroll speed in the main interface (World/Ship/Shipyard/Starbase/Rally point). This is ungodly slow. Can you allow for a set speed option? Also the scroll bar is way too thin.
- The ship tab of the interface: Can we get an option to show ships or fleets that contain mercenaries or perhaps a button that shows only ships/fleets that have mercenaries?
- The ship destination window: It would be really nice to be able to sort the items in this window Destination, Distance etc....
- Ship Graveyard: Always has just two pirates and the same little snipers, even on Godlike mode. Perhaps randomizing this, say between 1 and 10 pirates, with more ship options than just the same 2 little snipers, the same goes for the Precursor Anomalys. On both of these, let the reward fit the fight.
- Upgrading ships on planets, shipyards and starbases: Can we get it so the ships get ejected once they have upgraded? Otherwise you tend to forget about them and they are stuck there for ages.
- Upgrading ships should only be done at a Shipyard, Planet or Starbase (Perhaps vary how fast they get upgraded depending on where it's happening.) Perhaps requiring a constructor if you can upgrade them in space.
- When ships get upgraded at a planet/shipyard/starbase they should eject from there when completed or else you'll forget about them.
- Transport and colony ships:
- You always have to take at least .5, there are times when you want to take an empty ship to another planet to bring back colonists to yet another planet. You should have the option of bringing 0 colonists.