Well I finally got the thing to open in Open Office. Yay!
English is my mother tongue, and I intend to be thorough. This is going to be long.
1p2: "Or, will you utterly crush any who stand in your way."
Should end with a question mark.
1p3: "But be weary"
Should be "wary".
5.1p1: "After beginning a new game three screen’s"
Should be "screens", plural doesn't require apostrophe.
5.2.2p1: "When our influence grows the red border will be pushed back. Or, the opposite may happen."
Ambiguous. Suggest "The larger our influence is relative to our neighbors, the farther out our borders will be."
5.2.9p1: "bc but we spend some money on a factory."
Should be "spent".
5.3p3: "tax your citizens to much."
Should be "too much"
5.3p4: "pressing the < or > buttons at it’s sides"
Should be "its". In English "it's" is a contraction and "its" is possesive. English, where every grammar rule has at least one exception.
5.3p8,9,10: "The goal is to set this slider to a 100% and leave it there.
Set your Spending to a 100%.
Now let’s take a look how your money is being spend."
Should be "set this slider to 100%", "Set your spending to 100%", and "..money is being spent" (the "100%" is read as "one hundred percent" so no "a" is necessary).
5.3p16: "Simply put, a colony that’s building just ships will finish them quicker."
Should be "more quickly".
5.4.1p2: "OPP improvements can only be build once."
Suggest ".. can only be built once on each planet."
5.4.1p3: "Food Prod. Bonus: This means 8 mt/wk * 50% = 12. earth’s total population is capped at 12 billion people."
Suggest "Food Prod. Bonus: An extra 50% of the base 8 mt/wk gives an extra 4 mt/wk, so Earth's total population..."
5.4.2p1: "only be build once per planet."
Should be "built".
5.4.2p3: "Click on an empty tile."
Ambiguous. Suggest "Click on an empty tile with a green border."
5.4.3p17: "Creativity is amazing since it let’s us finish research projects randomly."
Awkward wording. Suggest "Creativity is amazing since it gives a small chance at early research breakthroughs."
5.4.4p4: "that can be build only once"
Should be "built".
Skipped and since abelisari covered those nicely.
5.5p1: ".. on they keyboard."
Typo. "the keyboard"
6.5p1: "There’s four tech’s in total."
Should be "techs".
6.5p4: "Once your freighter arrives at it’s destination"
Should be "its"
6.5p5: "the trade route will make every week (=turn)."
Awkward. Suggest "will make every turn."
Skipped up to 6.7.2 as abelisari covered those nicely. "..show multiple graphs in one."
Suggest "show multiple graphs at once." "Click on a race name to toggle it’s graph"
Should be "its graph"
6.7.3p4: "how you’re ranked in certain area’s"
Should be "certain areas"
6.7.3p7: "strong you are in certain area’s"
Should be "certain areas"
6.7.7p2: "In addition, you can check on your opponents process in the lower right corner."
Should be "check on your opponents' progress"
6.8.1p3: "Currently a bare bone cargo hull is selected."
Should be "bare bones"
6.8.1p8: "Those are hard points and you use them to attack stuff to your ship."
Typo? Suggest "attach stuff"
6.8.1p11: "with some Extra’s"
Should be "extras" there's an empty fourth bullet at the end of the list
6.9p2: "Once you form an alliance you’ll can finally rest"
Should be "you can finally rest"
6.9p3: "so be very weary"
Should be "wary"
6.9.1p1: "for the remained of the game"
Should be "for the remainder"
6.10.2p3: "number of troops* vs Planetary"
Why is the asterisk there? I can't find what it refers to, if anything.
6.10.2p4: "This is you last change"
Should be "your last chance"
6.10.2p5: "as shown on the left."
On my screen, the picture is on the right. Could be a formatting thing with Open Office.
6.12p1: "Congratulation’s"
Should be "Congratulations"
6.12p6: "your choices to matter"
Should be "do matter"
6.12.1p1: "Mega Event’s"
Should be "Mega Events"
6.13p4: "might be available at the star of the game."
Typo. Should be "at the start"
6.13.2p3: "A freshly build Economic"
Should be "built"
6.13.2p5: "against attack fleets."
Suggest "against attacking fleets" or "against enemy fleets"
6.13.6p1: "A powerful fleet turn your starbase into starrubble."
Suggest "fleet can turn"
6.13.6p2: "find it’s way towards it."
Should be "its"
6.14p7: "Each alignment brings it’s own bonuses"
Should be "its"
6.15.1p4: "To take a look at what your agents have divulged"
Suggest "uncovered" instead of "divulged".
6.15.4p2: "This One Per Planet structure block all enemy agent planet once it’s build."
Suggest "blocks all enemy agents from this planet once it's built."
6.15.4p3: "Keep in mind though, active agents will not be nullified"
Suggest "existing active agents"
6.17p4: "So if your approval could use a boost consider terraforming your planets it might just be the boost you need."
Should be two sentences. "..terraforming your planets. It might..."
6.18p3: "Only by research both levels"
Should be "researching"
6.18p5: "The Yor (barren unlocked by Super Isolationist"
Missing closing parenthesis.
Page 74 is completely blank. Again, might be Open Office formatting weirdness.
7.1 Campaigns page is blank. Intentional / not finished yet, I assume?
7.2.Yor: "any speed advantage you attacker has out of the equation."
Should be "your attacker"
7.2.Altarians: "Note that this SA only worlds war is declared on the Super Organizer."
Suggest "works when war is declared". Actually I think OShee caught this one already.
7.3.Drengin: "The Drengin are build for war."
Should be "built"
7.3.Terran: "Fortunately you’re one three civilizations"
Should be "one of only three". I think OShee already brought up on the Terran research comment as being ambiguous. That applies to the rest of the civ descriptions as well.
7.3.Thalan: "their structure are horribly expensive."
Should be "their structures"
Stopped after 7.3, I'll pick it up at 7.4 later on.
Fantastic job Mabus, lots of good information in a fun and well organized package!!