I'm finished with the remaining tech trees. Here are the changelogs:
Reordered the techs in the same general order as in the TechTree.xml
Important notice: I'm using the InternalNames of the techs this time.
-changed Branch from Culture to Industry
-removed Category tag (was set to Military)
-removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
-changed Branch from Culture to Computing
-removed Category tag (was set to Military)
-removed all tags
ThePath: moved to TechTree.xml
Xeno Communications: removed DisplayName tag
UniversalTranslator: removed DisplayName tag
Diplomatic Relations: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Diplomacy:
Expert Diplomacy: removed DisplayName tag
Counter Espionage: removed DisplayName tag
Greater Tolerance: moved to TechTree.xml
Trade: removed Alignment tag
Advanced Trade:
-removed Category tag (was set to Radioactive Terraforming)
-removed Alignment tag
Master Trade: removed DisplayName tag
Neutral Shipping: removed DisplayName tag
InterGov: removed DisplayName tag
-removed Category tag (was set to Sensor)
-removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
StarRep: removed DisplayName tag
StarDem: removed DisplayName tag
StarFed: removed DisplayName tag
Jihad of Krynn: moved to TechTree.xml
Laws of Krynn: moved to TechTree.xml
Order of Krynn: moved to TechTree.xml
The Way: moved to TechTree.xml
Superior Espionage:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Industry to Culture
Master Spies:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Industry to Culture
Xeno Ethics: removed DisplayName tag
Good and Evil: removed DisplayName tag
Concepts of Righteousness: removed DisplayName tag
Concepts of Malice: removed DisplayName tag
Balanced Vision: removed DisplayName tag
FusionReactors: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
-removed Category tag (was set to Communications
-removed all tags
NewPropulsion: removed DisplayName tag
IonDrive: removed DisplayName tag
ImpulseDrive: removed DisplayName tag
Impulse Drive Mark II: removed DisplayName tag
Impulse Drive Mark III: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive II: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive III: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive IV: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive V: removed DisplayName tag
ArtificialGravity: removed the following tags: Details, Group, and PopulationGrowthAbility
PlanetaryImprovements: removed Requires tag
XenoIndustrialTheory: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Factory Construction: removed DisplayName tag
Manufacturing Centers: removed DisplayName tag
Industrial Sector: removed Group tag
Fusion Power Plants: removed DisplayName tag
Anti-Matter Power Plants: removed DisplayName tag
Quantum Power Plants: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Engineering:
-added Requires tag
-set Requires to None
-removed Group tag
Space Mining: changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
Space Mining2
-changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
-removed DisplayName tag
Space Mining3
-changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
-removed DisplayName tag
-removed Category tag (was set to Biology)
-removed the following tags: Group, Alignment, and Requires
Research Center: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Research Academy: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Invention Matrix: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Discovery Sphere: removed the following tags: Category, Group, and Alignment
Neutrality Learning Center: removed Group tag
Advanced Computing: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Deeper Knowledge:
-removed Category tag (was set to Biology)
-removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Galactic Understanding: removed Group tag
Near Omniscience: removed Group tag
Beyond Mortality: removed Group tag
Technology Victory: removed DisplayName tag
XenoEconomics: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Trade Centers: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Bank Construction: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Stock Exchanges: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Farm Construction:
Xeno Farm Construction II: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Farm Construction III: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Biology: removed Group tag
Xeno Medicine: removed DisplayName tag
Fertility Accleration: removed DisplayName tag
Soil Enhancement: removed Group tag
Habitat Improvement: removed Group tag
Terraforming: removed Group tag
Interstellar Expansion: moved to TechTree.xml
ExtremeColonization: removed Group tag
AquaticWorldColonization: removed the following tags: Alignment and CourageAbility
AdvancedAquaticWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
BarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedBarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
HeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedHeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
RadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedRadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
ToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
InterstellarConstruction: removed the following tags: Category and Group
Robust Hulls:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Industry to Logistics
Advanced Hulls:
-changed Branch from Industry to Logistics
-removed Category tag (was set to Colonization)
-removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Medium Scale Building: changed "|a|" to "||"
Superior Hulls: removed DisplayName tag
Large Scale Building:
Master Hull Building: removed DisplayName tag
Massive Scale Building: removed DisplayName tag
Reinforced Hull Design: removed DisplayName tag
Hardened Hull Design: removed DisplayName tag
Basic Logistics: removed Requires tag
Enhanced Logistics: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Logistics:
-removed Category tag (was set to Biological Warfare)
-removed Alignment tag
Expert Logistics: removed DisplayName tag
Ultimate Logistics: removed DisplayName tag
Basic Life Support:
Extended Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Life Support:
-removed Category tag (was set to Medical)
-removed Alignment tag
Ultra Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Basic Miniaturization: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Enhanced Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Miniaturization:
-removed Category tag (was set to Armor)
-removed Alignment tag
Expert Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
Ultimate Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
Supreme Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
StellarCartography: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
StarScanner: removed Requires tag
StarScanner2: removed DisplayName tag
Sensor2: removed DisplayName tag
Sensor3: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Warfare: removed "||"
Space Militarization: removed Alignment tag
Space Weapons: removed MilitaryProductionAbility tag
StarshipDefenses: removed Alignment tag
Beam Weapon theory:
-removed Category tag (was set to Trade)
-removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Laser: removed DisplayName tag
Laser II:
Laser III:
Laser IV:
Laser V:
-removed Category tag (was set to Trade)
-removed the following tags: DisplayName and Alignment
ParticleBeams2: removed Alignment tag
ParticleBeams3: removed Alignment tag
Plasma Weapons: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Plasma Weapons II: removed DisplayName tag
Plasma Weapons III: removed DisplayName tag
-removed Category tag (was set to Missile)
-removed Requires tag
Disruptors II: removed Category tag (was set to Missile)
Disruptors III: removed Category tag (was set to Missile)
Doom Ray:
Psyonic Beam: removed Group tag
Missile Weapon Theory: removed DisplayName tag
Stinger: removed DisplayName tag
Stinger II:
Stinger III: removed DisplayName tag
Stinger IV:
-removed Category tag (was set to PD)
-removed Alignment tag
Harpoon II:
Harpoon III:
Photonic Torpedo:
Photonic Torpedo II:
Photonic Torpedo III: added
Photon Torpedo:
Photon Torpedo II:
Photon Torpedo III:
NightmareTorpedo: removed DisplayName tag
Pysonic Missile: removed Group tag
Mass Driver Theory:
-removed Category tag (was set to Beam)
-removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
MiniBalls: removed DisplayName tag
MiniBalls II: removed DisplayName tag
Mass Drivers: removed DisplayName tag
Mass Drivers II:
Mass Drivers III: removed DisplayName tag
-removed Category tag (was set to Beam)
-removed Alignment tag
PulseCannons2: removed Alignment tag
PulseCannons3: removed Alignment tag
Graviton Driver: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Graviton Driver II:
Graviton Driver III:
Graviton Driver IV:
Quantum Driver:
Quantum Driver II:
Quantum Driver III:
Black Hole Gun: removed Requires tag
Psyonic Shredder: removed DisplayName tag
Shield Defense Theory: removed DisplayName tag
Deflectors: removed DisplayName tag
EnhDeflectors: removed DisplayName tag
ADvDeflectors: removed DisplayName tag
Superior Defs: removed DisplayName tag
Shields: removed DisplayName tag
Shields II: removed DisplayName tag
Shields III: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers II: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers III: removed DisplayName tag
Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Force Fields:
Superior Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Invulnerability Field: removed DisplayName tag
Invulnerability Field II: removed DisplayName tag
Ultimate Invulnerability: removed DisplayName tag
Dynamic Shielding: removed DisplayName tag
Subspace Rebounder: removed DisplayName tag
Missile Defense Theory:
-removed Category tag (was set to Shield)
-removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Chaff: removed DisplayName tag
Smart Chaff: removed DisplayName tag
ECM: removed DisplayName tag
ECM II: removed DisplayName tag
ECM III: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense II: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense III: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo II: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo III: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries I: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries II: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries III: removed DisplayName tag
Aereon Missile Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Telepathic Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Armor Theory: removed DisplayName tag
Titanitum Armor: removed DisplayName tag
Titanium Armor II: removed DisplayName tag
Titanium Armor III: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium II: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium III: removed DisplayName tag
Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Enhanced Tri-Strontium:
Superior Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium II: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium III: removed DisplayName tag
Duralthene Armor: removed Details tag
Adamantium Armor:
Adamantium II:
Ultimate Adamantium: removed DisplayName tag
Zero-Point Armor: removed DisplayName tag
Arnorian Battle Armor: removed DisplayName tag
Righteous Fleets: moved to TechTree.xml
Hasty Fleets:
-moved to TechTree.xml
--changed Branch from Defenses to Propulsion
Vengeful Fleets:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Defenses to Weapons
Planetary Invasion:
-removed Category tag (was set to Space Mining)
-removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Planetary Bombardment: removed DisplayName tag
Tidal Disruption: removed DisplayName tag
Space Marines: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Advanced Troop Mods:
-removed Category tag (was set to Space Mining)
-removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Planetary Defense:
-changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
-removed DisplayName tag
Adv. Planetary Defense: changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
Supreme Planetary Defense:
-changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
-removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedStarbaseConstruction: removed Alignment tag
Starbase Fortification: removed Requires tag
Starbase Fortification Mark II: removed DisplayName tag
Starbase Fortification Mark III: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseMilitarization: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
StarbaseMobilization: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseProjection: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseDomination: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseConquestStrategy: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar0: removed Requires tag
TerrorStar1: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar2: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar3: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar4: removed DisplayName tag
Interstellar Missionaries: moved to TechTree.xml
Krynniac Conversion: moved to TechTree.xml
Krynniac Disciples: moved to TechTree.xml
Reordered the techs in the same general order as in the TechTree.xml
Important notice: I'm using the InternalNames of the techs this time.
IndustrialRevolution: removed the follwing tags: CanBeTraded and CanBeStolen
TraditionalResearch: removed all tags:
Xeno Communications: removed Group tag
UniversalTranslator: removed Group tag
Diplomatic Relations:
Advanced Diplomacy:
Expert Diplomacy: removed DisplayName tag
Majesty: removed Group tag
Total Majesty: removed Group tag
Counter Espionage: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Trade:
Master Trade:
Neutral Shipping: removed DisplayName tag
InterGov: removed Group tag
Alliances: removed Group tag
StarRep: removed DisplayName tag
StarDem: removed DisplayName tag
StarFed: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Entertainment: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
ExtremeEntertainment: removed DisplayName tag
ZeroGSportsArena: removed DisplayName tag
Virtual Reality Centers: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Business: removed Group tag
Cultural Domination: removed DisplayName tag
Historical Assimilation:
Xeno Cultural Trends: removed Group tag
Cultural Insurrection: removed DisplayName tag
Cultural Conquest: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Ethics: removed Group tag
Good and Evil: removed DisplayName tag
Concepts of Righteousness: removed DisplayName tag
Concepts of Malice: removed DisplayName tag
Balanced Vision: removed DisplayName tag
FusionReactors: removed the following tags: DisplayName and Group
HyperDrive: removed Requires tag
IonDrive: removed Group tag
Impulse Drive Mark II:
Impulse Drive Mark III:
Warp Drive:
Warp Drive II: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive III: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive IV: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive V: removed DisplayName tag
HyperWarp: removed DisplayName tag
HyperWarp II: removed DisplayName tag
HyperWarp III: removed DisplayName tag
-removed Category tag (was set to Biology)
-removed the following tags: Details, Group, Alignment, and PopulationGrowthAbility
-removed Category tag (was set to Military)
-removed the following tags: Group, Alignment, and Requires
Xeno Factory Construction: removed Group tag
Manufacturing Centers: removed DisplayName tag
Industrial Sector: removed Group tag
Fusion Power Plants: removed Group tag
Anti-Matter Power Plants: removed Group tag
Quantum Power Plants: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Engineering: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Space Mining:
-changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
-remvoved Requires tag
Space Mining2: changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
Space Mining3: changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
XenoResearch: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Research Center: removed DisplayName tag
Research Academy: removed DisplayName tag
Invention Matrix: removed Group tag
Discovery Sphere: removed Group tag
Neutrality Learning Center: removed Group tag
Advanced Computing: removed Group tag
Deeper Knowledge: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Understanding: removed DisplayName tag
Near Omniscience: removed DisplayName tag
Beyond Mortality: removed DisplayName tag
Technology Victory: removed DisplayName tag
XenoEconomics: removed Group tag
Xeno Trade Centers: removed Group tag
Xeno Bank Construction: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Stock Exchanges: removed Group tag
Xeno Farm Construction:
Xeno Farm Construction II:
Xeno Farm Construction III:
Xeno Biology: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Xeno Medicine: removed Group tag
Fertility Accleration: removed DisplayName tag
Soil Enhancement: removed Group tag
Habitat Improvement: removed Group tag
Terraforming: removed Group tag
ExtremeColonization: removed Requires tag
AquaticWorldColonization: removed the following tags: Details and CourageAbility
AdvancedAquaticWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
BarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedBarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
HeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedHeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
RadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedRadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
ToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
InterstellarConstruction: removed the following tags: Description, Details, Category, Group, and Requires
Advanced Hulls:
-changed Branch from Industry to Logistics
-removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Medium Scale Building:
Superior Hulls: removed DisplayName tag
Large Scale Building: removed Group tag
Master Hull Building: removed DisplayName tag
Massive Scale Building: removed Group tag
Reinforced Hull Design: removed DisplayName tag
Hardened Hull Design: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Materials: removed the following tags: Description, Details, and Group
Integrity Grid: removed (should be Terran-only)
Basic Logistics: removed Requires tag
Enhanced Logistics:
Advanced Logistics:
Expert Logistics:
Ultimate Logistics:
Basic Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Extended Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Ultra Life Support:
Basic Miniaturization: removed Requires tag
Enhanced Miniaturization:
Advanced Miniaturization:
Expert Miniaturization:
Ultimate Miniaturization:
Supreme Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
StellarCartography: removed DisplayName tag
StarScanner: removed Requires tag
Sensor2: removed DisplayName tag
Sensor3: removed DisplayName tag
Sensor Array: removed (should be Terran-only)
Galactic Warfare:
Space Militarization:
Space Weapons:
-remmoved Category tag (was set to PD)
-removed the following tags: Alignment and MilitaryProductionAbility
Beam Weapon theory: removed Group tag
Laser II:
Laser III:
Laser IV:
Laser V:
ParticleBeams2: removed DisplayName tag
ParticleBeams3: removed DisplayName tag
Plasma Weapons: removed Requires tag
Plasma Weapons II: removed DisplayName tag
Plasma Weapons III: removed DisplayName tag
Phasors: removed DisplayName tag
Phasors II:
Phasors III:
Phasors IV:
Phasors V:
Phasors VI:
Phasors VII:
Doom Ray: removed Requires tag
Psyonic Beam: removed Group tag
Missile Weapon Theory: removed Group tag
Stinger II:
Stinger III: removed DisplayName tag
Stinger IV:
Harpoon II:
Harpoon III:
Photonic Torpedo:
Photonic Torpedo II:
Photonic Torpedo III: added
Photon Torpedo:
Photon Torpedo II:
Photon Torpedo III:
NightmareTorpedo: removed DisplayName tag
Pysonic Missile: removed Group tag
Mass Driver Theory: removed Group tag
MiniBalls II:
Mass Drivers:
Mass Drivers II:
Mass Drivers III:
PulseCannons: removed DisplayName tag
PulseCannons2: removed DisplayName tag
PulseCannons3: removed DisplayName tag
Graviton Driver: removed Requires tag
Graviton Driver II:
Graviton Driver III:
Graviton Driver IV:
Quantum Driver:
Quantum Driver II:
Quantum Driver III:
Black Hole Gun: removed Requires tag
Psyonic Shredder: removed DisplayName tag
Shield Defense Theory: removed Group tag
Deflectors: removed DisplayName tag
EnhDeflectors: removed DisplayName tag
ADvDeflectors: removed DisplayName tag
Superior Defs: removed DisplayName tag
Shields: removed DisplayName tag
Shields II: removed DisplayName tag
Shields III: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers II: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers III: removed DisplayName tag
Force Fields:
Advanced Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Superior Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Invulnerability Field:
Invulnerability Field II:
Ultimate Invulnerability:
Subspace Rebounder: removed DisplayName tag
Dynamic Shielding: removed DisplayName tag
Missile Defense Theory: removed Group tag
Smart Chaff: removed DisplayName tag
ECM II: removed DisplayName tag
ECM III: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense II: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense III: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo II: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo III: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries II: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries III: removed DisplayName tag
Aereon Missile Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Telepathic Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Armor Theory: removed Group tag
Titanitum Armor: removed DisplayName tag
Titanium Armor II: removed DisplayName tag
Titanium Armor III: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium II: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium III: removed DisplayName tag
Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Enhanced Tri-Strontium:
Superior Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium II:
Kanvium III:
Duralthene Armor: removed Details tag
Adamantium Armor:
Adamantium II: removed DisplayName tag
Ultimate Adamantium:
Zero-Point Armor:
Arnorian Battle Armor:
FleetBattleTactics: removed the following tags: Details and Group
TulonWeaponFocus: removed the following tags: Details and Group
FleetDefense: removed Details tag
XalaxDefenseCoord: removed DisplayName tag
ZalonDefenseMainframe: removed Details tag
Fleet Warp Bubbles: removed (should be Terran-only)
Fleet Warp Bubbles II: removed (should be Terran-only)
Fleet Warp Bubbles III: removed (should be Terran-only)
Planetary Invasion: removed Group tag
Planetary Bombardment: removed Group tag
Tidal Disruption: removed DisplayName tag
Space Marines: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Advanced Troop Mods: removed Group tag
Planetary Defense:
-changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
-removed DisplayName tag
Adv. Planetary Defense: changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
Supreme Planetary Defense:
-changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
-removed DisplayName tag
Starbase Fortification: removed Requires tag
Starbase Fortification Mark II: removed DisplayName tag
Starbase Fortification Mark III: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseMilitarization: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
StarbaseMobilization: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseProjection: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseDomination: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseConquestStrategy: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar0: removed Requires tag
TerrorStar1: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar2: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar3: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar4: removed DisplayName tag
Reordered the techs in the same general order as in the TechTree.xml
Important notice: I'm using the InternalNames of the techs this time.
IndustrialRevolution: removed the follwing tags: CanBeTraded and CanBeStolen
TraditionalResearch: removed all tags
NeutralHistory: moved to TechTree.xml
Innovative History:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Industry to Computing
Xeno Communications: removed Group tag
UniversalTranslator: removed Group tag
Diplomatic Relations:
Advanced Diplomacy:
Expert Diplomacy: removed DisplayName tag
Majesty: removed Group tag
Total Majesty: removed Group tag
Counter Espionage: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Trade:
Master Trade:
Neutral Shipping: removed DisplayName tag
InterGov: removed Group tag
Alliances: removed Group tag
StarRep: removed DisplayName tag
StarDem: removed DisplayName tag
StarFed: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Entertainment: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
ExtremeEntertainment: removed DisplayName tag
ZeroGSportsArena: removed DisplayName tag
Virtual Reality Centers: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Business: removed Group tag
Cultural Domination: removed DisplayName tag
Historical Assimilation:
Xeno Cultural Trends: removed Group tag
Cultural Insurrection: removed DisplayName tag
Cultural Conquest: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Ethics: removed Group tag
Good and Evil: removed DisplayName tag
Concepts of Righteousness: removed DisplayName tag
Concepts of Malice: removed DisplayName tag
Balanced Vision: removed DisplayName tag
FusionReactors: removed the following tags: DisplayName and Group
HyperDrive: removed Requires
IonDrive: removed Group tag
Impulse Drive Mark II:
Impulse Drive Mark III:
Warp Drive:
Warp Drive II: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive III: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive IV: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive V: removed DisplayName tag
HyperWarp: removed DisplayName tag
HyperWarp II: removed DisplayName tag
HyperWarp III: removed DisplayName tag
-removed Category tag (was set to Biology)
-removed the following tags: Details, Group, Alignment, and PopulationGrowthAbility
-removed Category tag (was set to Military)
-removed the following tags: Group, Alignment, and Requires
Xeno Factory Construction: removed Group tag
Manufacturing Centers: removed DisplayName tag
Industrial Sector: removed Group tag
Fusion Power Plants: removed Group tag
Anti-Matter Power Plants: removed Group tag
Quantum Power Plants: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Engineering: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Space Mining:
-changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
-removed Requires tag
Space Mining2: changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
Space Mining3: changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
XenoResearch: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Research Center: removed DisplayName tag
Research Academy: removed DisplayName tag
Invention Matrix: removed Group tag
Discovery Sphere: removed Group tag
Neutrality Learning Center: removed Group tag
Advanced Computing: removed Group tag
Deeper Knowledge: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Understanding: removed DisplayName tag
Near Omniscience: removed DisplayName tag
Beyond Mortality: removed DisplayName tag
Technology Victory: removed DisplayName tag
XenoEconomics: removed Group tag
Xeno Trade Centers: removed Group tag
Xeno Bank Construction: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Stock Exchanges: removed Group tag
Xeno Farm Construction:
Xeno Farm Construction II:
Xeno Farm Construction III:
Xeno Biology: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Xeno Medicine: removed Group tag
Fertility Accleration: removed DisplayName tag
Soil Enhancement: removed Group tag
Habitat Improvement: removed Group tag
Terraforming: removed Group tag
ExtremeColonization: removed Requires tag
AquaticWorldColonization: removed the following tags: Details and CourageAbility
AdvancedAquaticWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
BarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedBarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
HeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedHeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
RadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedRadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
ToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
InterstellarConstruction: removed the following tags: Description, Details, Category, and Group
Advanced Hulls:
-changed Branch from Industry to Logistics
-removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Superior Hulls: removed DisplayName tag
Large Scale Building: removed Group tag
Master Hull Building: removed DisplayName tag
Massive Scale Building: removed Group tag
Reinforced Hull Design: removed DisplayName tag
Hardened Hull Design: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Materials: removed the following tags: Description, Details, and Group
Integrity Grid: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Basic Logistics: removed Requires tag
Enhanced Logistics:
Advanced Logistics:
Expert Logistics:
Ultimate Logistics:
Basic Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Extended Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Ultra Life Support:
Basic Miniaturization: removed Requires tag
Enhanced Miniaturization:
Advanced Miniaturization:
Expert Miniaturization:
Ultimate Miniaturization:
Supreme Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
StellarCartography: removed DisplayName tag
StarScanner: removed Requires tag
Sensor2: removed DisplayName tag
Sensor3: removed DisplayName tag
Sensor Array: removed the following tags: Details and Group
Galactic Warfare:
Space Militarization:
Space Weapons:
-removed Category tag (was set to PD)
-removed the following tags: Alignment and MilitaryProductionAbility
Interstellar War Colleges: moved to TechTree.xml
Beam Weapon theory: removed Group tag
Laser II:
Laser III:
Laser IV:
Laser V:
ParticleBeams2: removed DisplayName tag
ParticleBeams3: removed DisplayName tag
Plasma Weapons: removed Requires tag
Plasma Weapons II: removed DisplayName tag
Plasma Weapons III: removed DisplayName tag
Phasors: removed DisplayName tag
Phasors II:
Phasors III:
Phasors IV:
Phasors V:
Phasors VI:
Phasors VII:
Doom Ray: removed Requires tag
Psyonic Beam: removed Group tag
Missile Weapon Theory: removed Group tag
Stinger II:
Stinger III: removed DisplayName tag
Stinger IV:
Harpoon II:
Harpoon III:
Photonic Torpedo:
Photonic Torpedo II:
Photonic Torpedo III: added
Photon Torpedo:
Photon Torpedo II:
Photon Torpedo III:
NightmareTorpedo: removed DisplayName tag
Pysonic Missile: removed Group tag
Mass Driver Theory: removed Group tag
MiniBalls II:
Mass Drivers:
Mass Drivers II:
Mass Drivers III:
PulseCannons: removed DisplayName tag
PulseCannons2: removed DisplayName tag
PulseCannons3: removed DisplayName tag
Graviton Driver: removed Requires tag
Graviton Driver II:
Graviton Driver III:
Graviton Driver IV:
Quantum Driver:
Quantum Driver II:
Quantum Driver III:
Black Hole Gun: removed DisplayName tag
Psyonic Shredder: removed DisplayName tag
Shield Defense Theory: removed Group tag
Deflectors: removed DisplayName tag
EnhDeflectors: removed DisplayName tag
ADvDeflectors: removed DisplayName tag
Superior Defs: removed DisplayName tag
Shields: removed DisplayName tag
Shields II: removed DisplayName tag
Shields III: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers II: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers III: removed DisplayName tag
Force Fields:
Advanced Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Superior Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Invulnerability Field:
Invulnerability Field II:
Ultimate Invulnerability:
Subspace Rebounder: removed DisplayName tag
Dynamic Shielding: removed DisplayName tag
Missile Defense Theory: removed Group tag
Smart Chaff: removed DisplayName tag
ECM II: removed DisplayName tag
ECM III: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense II: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense III: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo II: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo III: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries II: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries III: removed DisplayName tag
Aereon Missile Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Telepathic Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Armor Theory: removed Group tag
Titanitum Armor: removed DisplayName tag
Titanium Armor II: removed DisplayName tag
Titanium Armor III: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium II: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium III: removed DisplayName tag
Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Enhanced Tri-Strontium:
Superior Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium II:
Kanvium III:
Duralthene Armor: removed Details tag
Adamantium Armor:
Adamantium II: removed DisplayName tag
Ultimate Adamantium:
Zero-Point Armor:
Arnorian Battle Armor:
FleetBattleTactics: removed the following tags: Details and Group
TulonWeaponFocus: removed the following tags: Details and Group
FleetDefense: removed Details tag
XalaxDefenseCoord: removed DisplayName tag
ZalonDefenseMainframe: removed Details tag
Fleet Warp Bubbles:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Defenses to Propulsion
Fleet Warp Bubbles II:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Defenses to Propulsion
Fleet Warp Bubbles III:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Defenses to Propulsion
Space Superiority: moved to TechTree.xml
Advanced Defensive Techniques: moved to TechTree.xml
Planetary Invasion: removed Group tag
Planetary Bombardment: removed Group tag
Tidal Disruption: removed DisplayName tag
Space Marines: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Advanced Troop Mods: removed Group tag
Planetary Defense:
-changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
-removed DisplayName tag
Adv. Planetary Defense: changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
Supreme Planetary Defense
-changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
-removed DisplayName tag
Starbase Fortification: removed Requires tag
Starbase Fortification Mark II: removed DisplayName tag
Starbase Fortification Mark III: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseMilitarization: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
StarbaseMobilization: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseProjection: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseDomination: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseConquestStrategy: removed DisplayName tag
-changed Branch from Defenses to Weapons
-removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
-changed Branch from Defenses to Weapons
-removed Alignment tag
-changed Branch from Defenses to Weapons
-removed Alignment tag
TerrorStar3: removed Alignment tag
TerrorStar4: removed DisplayName tag
Reordered the techs in the same general order as in the TechTree.xml
Important notice: I'm using the InternalNames of the techs this time.
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Industry to Culture
HyperionPackages: moved to TechTree.xml
Xeno Communications: removed Group tag
UniversalTranslator: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Diplomatic Relations: removed Alignment tag
Advanced Diplomacy:
Expert Diplomacy: removed DisplayName tag
Majesty: removed Group tag
Total Majesty: removed Group tag
Counter Espionage: removed DisplayName tag
Trade: removed Alignment tag
Advanced Trade:
Master Trade:
InterGov: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Alliances: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
StarRep: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
StarDem: removed DisplayName tag
StarFed: removed DisplayName tag
XenoAnthropology: moved to TechTree.xml
Xeno Public Relations: moved to TechTree.xml
XenoInfluence: moved to TechTree.xml
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Weapons to Culture
Xeno Ethics: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
FusionReactors: removed the following tags: DisplayName and Group
HyperDrive: removed Requires tag
IonDrive: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
ImpulseDrive: removed Alignment tag
Impulse Drive Mark II:
Impulse Drive Mark III:
Warp Drive:
Warp Drive II: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive III: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive IV: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive V: removed DisplayName tag
HyperWarp: removed DisplayName tag
HyperWarp II: removed DisplayName tag
HyperWarp III: removed DisplayName tag
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Industry to Propulsion
HyperionPropulsion: moved to TechTree.xml
-removed Category tag (was set to Biology)
-removed the following tags: Details, Group, Alignment, and PopulationGrowthAbility
PlanetaryAdaptation: moved to TechTree.xml
IndustrialAdaptation1: moved to TechTree.xml
IndustrialAdaptation2: moved to TechTree.xml
IndustrialAdaptation3: moved to TechTree.xml
AdvancedGravitronics: moved to TechTree.xml
Xeno Engineering: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Space Mining:
-changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
-removed Requires tag
Space Mining2: changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
Space Mining3: changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
TechnologyAdaptation1: moved to TechTree.xml
TechnologyAdaptation2: moved to TechTree.xml
TechnologyAdaptation3: moved to TechTree.xml
Remedial Materials: moved to TechTree.xml
Advanced Computing: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
UltimateCreativity: moved to TechTree.xml
4DPhasing: moved to TechTree.xml
DimensionalExploitation: moved to TechTree.xml
DimensionalWeaponry: moved to TechTree.xml
NearOmnipotence: moved to TechTree.xml
Beyond Mortality: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Technology Victory: removed DisplayName tag
Stellar Production: moved to TechTree.xml
XenoEconomics: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Xeno Trade Centers: removed Group tag
Xeno Bank Construction: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Stock Exchanges: removed Group tag
Hyperion Fabrication:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Propulsion to Industry
Xeno Biology:
-removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
-added Requires tag
-set Requires to None
Xeno Medicine: removed the following tags: Group, Alignment, and Requires
XenoColonization: moved to TechTree.xml
AlienSoilStudies: moved to TechTree.xml
Soil Enhancement: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Habitat Improvement: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Terraforming: removed Group tag
GaiaTheory: moved to TechTree.xml
ExtremeColonization: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
AquaticWorldColonization: removed the following tags: Details and CourageAbility
AdvancedAquaticWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
BarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedBarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
HeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedHeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
RadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedRadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
ToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
InterstellarConstruction: removed the following tags: Description, Details, Category, and Group
Advanced Hulls:
-changed Branch from Industry to Logistics
-removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Medium Scale Building:
Superior Hulls: removed DisplayName tag
Large Scale Building: removed Group tag
Master Hull Building: removed DisplayName tag
Massive Scale Building: removed Group tag
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Industry to Logistics
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Weapons to Logistics
Basic Logistics: removed Alignment tag
Enhanced Logistics:
Advanced Logistics:
Expert Logistics: removed Alignment tag
Ultimate Logistics:
Basic Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Extended Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Ultra Life Support:
Basic Miniaturization: removed Alignment tag
Enhanced Miniaturization:
Advanced Miniaturization:
Expert Miniaturization:
Ultimate Miniaturization:
Supreme Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
StellarCartography: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
StarScanner: removed Alignment tag
Sensor2: removed DisplayName tag
Sensor3: removed DisplayName tag
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Defenses to Weapons
Space Weapons:
-changed Branch from Computing to Weapons
-removed Category tag (was set to Pure Research)
-removed Alignment tag
-changed Branch from Computing to Defenses
-removed Category tag (was set to Pure Research)
-removed Alignment tag
SpaceSuperiority: moved to TechTree.xml
WeaponMagnifier: moved to TechTree.xml
Laser: removed Alignment tag
Laser II:
Laser III:
Laser IV:
Laser V:
ParticleBeams2: removed DisplayName tag
ParticleBeams3: removed DisplayName tag
Plasma Weapons: removed Requires tag
Plasma Weapons II: removed DisplayName tag
Plasma Weapons III: removed DisplayName tag
Disruptors: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Disruptors II: removed Alignment tag
Disruptors III: removed Alignment tag
Doom Ray: removed Alignment tag
Psyonic Beam: removed Group tag
Stinger: removed Alignment tag
Stinger II:
Stinger III: removed DisplayName tag
Stinger IV:
Harpoon II:
Harpoon III:
Photonic Torpedo:
Photonic Torpedo II:
Photonic Torpedo III: added
Photon Torpedo: removed Alignment tag
Photon Torpedo II:
Photon Torpedo III:
NightmareTorpedo: removed DisplayName tag
Pysonic Missile: removed Group tag
MiniBalls: removed Alignment tag
MiniBalls II:
Mass Drivers:
Mass Drivers II:
Mass Drivers III:
PulseCannons: removed DisplayName tag
PulseCannons2: removed DisplayName tag
PulseCannons3: removed DisplayName tag
Singularity Driver: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Singularity Driver II: removed Alignment tag
Singularity Driver III: removed Alignment tag
Singularity Driver IV: removed Alignment tag
Quantum Driver: removed Alignment tag
Quantum Driver II:
Quantum Driver III:
Black Hole Gun: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Shields: removed Alignment tag
Shields II: removed DisplayName tag
Shields III: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers II: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers III: removed DisplayName tag
Force Fields:
Advanced Force Fields: removed Alignment tag
Superior Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Invulnerability Field:
Invulnerability Field II:
Ultimate Invulnerability:
Subspace Rebounder: removed DisplayName tag
Dynamic Shielding: removed DisplayName tag
ECM: removed Alignment tag
ECM II: removed DisplayName tag
ECM III: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense II: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense III: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo II: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo III: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries II: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries III: removed DisplayName tag
Aereon Missile Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Telepathic Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium: removed Alignment tag
Duranthium II: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium III: removed DisplayName tag
Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Enhanced Tri-Strontium:
Superior Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium II:
Kanvium III:
Duralthene Armor: removed Details tag
Adamantium Armor:
Adamantium II:
Ultimate Adamantium:
Zero-Point Armor:
Arnorian Battle Armor:
HyperionDefense: moved to TechTree.xml
Planetary Invasion: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Advanced Troop Mods: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
MechanizedWarriors: moved to TechTree.xml
Fanatics: moved to TechTree.xml
ExtremeSoldiers: moved to TechTree.xml
HyperionStarbases: moved to TechTree.xml
TerrorStar0: removed Alignment tag
TerrorStar1: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar2: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar3: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar4: removed DisplayName tag
Reordered the techs in the same general order as in the TechTree.xml
Important notice: I'm using the InternalNames of the techs this time.
NeutralHistory: moved to TechTree.xml
Inherited Technology:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Defenses to Industry
Xeno Communications: removed DisplayName tag
UniversalTranslator: removed DisplayName tag
Diplomatic Relations: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Diplomacy:
Expert Diplomacy: removed DisplayName tag
Counter Espionage: removed DisplayName tag
Trade: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Trade: removed DisplayName tag
Master Trade: removed DisplayName tag
Neutral Shipping: removed DisplayName tag
InterGov: removed DisplayName tag
Alliances: removed DisplayName tag
StarRep: removed DisplayName tag
StarDem: removed DisplayName tag
StarFed: removed DisplayName tag
HealingPools: moved to TechTree.xml
WellnessFalls: moved to TechTree.xml
TidesOfCleansing: moved to TechTree.xml
TorianHotSprings: moved to TechTree.xml
CulturalEnlightenment: moved to TechTree.xml
Cultural Domination: removed Group tag
Historical Assimilation: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Cultural Trends: removed DisplayName tag
Cultural Insurrection: removed DisplayName tag
Cultural Conquest: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Ethics: removed DisplayName tag
Good and Evil: removed DisplayName tag
Concepts of Righteousness: removed DisplayName tag
Concepts of Malice: removed DisplayName tag
Balanced Vision: removed DisplayName tag
FusionReactors: removed the following tags: DisplayName and Group
HyperDrive: removed Requires tag
NewPropulsion: removed DisplayName tag
IonDrive: removed DisplayName tag
ImpulseDrive: removed DisplayName tag
Impulse Drive Mark II: removed DisplayName tag
Impulse Drive Mark III: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive II: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive III: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive IV: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive V: removed DisplayName tag
ArtificialGravity: removed the following tags: Details, Group, and PopulationGrowthAbility
PlanetaryImprovements: removed Requires tag
XenoIndustrialTheory: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Factory Construction: removed DisplayName tag
Manufacturing Centers: removed DisplayName tag
Industrial Sector: removed Group tag
Fusion Power Plants: removed DisplayName tag
Anti-Matter Power Plants: removed DisplayName tag
Quantum Power Plants: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Engineering:
-removed Group tag
-added Requires tag
-set Requires to None
Space Mining: changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
Space Mining2:
-changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
-removed DisplayName tag
Space Mining3:
-changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
-removed DisplayName tag
Scientific Method Implementation: moved to TechTree.xml
University: moved to TechTree.xml
City of Learning: moved to TechTree.xml
Technology Commune: moved to TechTree.xml
Neutrality Learning Center: removed Group tag
Advanced Computing: removed Group tag
Advanced Philosophy: moved to TechTree.xml
Greater Enlightenment: moved to TechTree.xml
Deep Level Trances: moved to TechTree.xml
Exceptional Consciousness: moved to TechTree.xml
Deeper Knowledge:
-changed Category from Pure Research to Research
-removed Group tag
Galactic Understanding: removed Group tag
Near Omniscience: removed Group tag
Beyond Mortality: removed Group tag
Technology Victory: removed DisplayName tag
XenoEconomics: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Trade Centers: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Bank Construction: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Stock Exchanges: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Farm Construction:
Xeno Farm Construction II: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Farm Construction III: removed DisplayName tag
Xeno Biology: removed Group tag
Xeno Medicine: removed DisplayName tag
Fertility Accleration: removed DisplayName tag
Soil Enhancement: removed Group tag
Habitat Improvement: removed Group tag
Terraforming: removed Group tag
EnhancedAdaptation: moved to TechTree.xml
ExtremeColonization: removed Group tag
AquaticWorldColonization: removed CourageAbility tag
AdvancedAquaticWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
BarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedBarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
HeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedHeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
RadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedRadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
ToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Computing to Logistics
Advanced Hulls:
-changed Branch from Industry to Logistics
-removed Requires tag
Medium Scale Building: changed "|a|" to "||"
Superior Hulls: removed DisplayName tag
Large Scale Building: removed DisplayName tag
Master Hull Building: removed DisplayName tag
Massive Scale Building: removed DisplayName tag
Reinforced Hull Design: removed DisplayName tag
Hardened Hull Design: removed DisplayName tag
Basic Logistics: removed Requires tag
Enhanced Logistics: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Logistics: removed DisplayName tag
Expert Logistics: removed DisplayName tag
Ultimate Logistics: removed DisplayName tag
Basic Life Support:
Extended Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Ultra Life Support: removed DisplayName tag
Basic Miniaturization:
Enhanced Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
Expert Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
Ultimate Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
Supreme Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
StellarCartography: removed Group tag
StarScanner: removed Requires tag
StarScanner2: removed DisplayName tag
Sensor2: removed DisplayName tag
Sensor3: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Warfare:
Space Militarization:
Space Weapons: removed MilitaryProductionAbility tag
DefensiveTrance: moved to TechTree.xml
Beam Weapon theory: removed DisplayName tag
Laser: removed DisplayName tag
Laser II:
Laser III:
Laser IV:
Laser V:
ParticleBeams: removed DisplayName tag
ParticleBeams2: removed DisplayName tag
ParticleBeams3: removed DisplayName tag
Plasma Weapons: removed Requires tag
Plasma Weapons II: removed DisplayName tag
Plasma Weapons III: removed DisplayName tag
-removed Category tag (was set to Missile)
-removed Requires tag
Disruptors II: removed Category tag (was set to Missile)
Disruptors III: removed Category tag (was set to Missile)
Doom Ray:
Psyonic Beam: removed Group tag
Missile Weapon Theory: removed DisplayName tag
Stinger: removed DisplayName tag
Stinger II:
Stinger III: removed DisplayName tag
Stinger IV:
Harpoon: removed DisplayName tag
Harpoon II:
Harpoon III:
Photonic Torpedo:
Photonic Torpedo II:
Photonic Torpedo III: added
Photon Torpedo:
Photon Torpedo II:
Photon Torpedo III:
NightmareTorpedo: removed DisplayName tag
Pysonic Missile: removed Group tag
Mass Driver Theory: removed DisplayName tag
MiniBalls: removed DisplayName tag
MiniBalls II: removed DisplayName tag
Mass Drivers: removed DisplayName tag
Mass Drivers II:
Mass Drivers III: removed DisplayName tag
PulseCannons: removed DisplayName tag
PulseCannons2: removed DisplayName tag
PulseCannons3: removed DisplayName tag
Graviton Driver: removed Requires tag
Graviton Driver II:
Graviton Driver III:
Graviton Driver IV:
Quantum Driver:
Quantum Driver II:
Quantum Driver III:
Black Hole Gun: removed Requires tag
Psyonic Shredder: removed DisplayName tag
Shield Defense Theory: removed DisplayName tag
Deflectors: removed DisplayName tag
EnhDeflectors: removed DisplayName tag
ADvDeflectors: removed DisplayName tag
Superior Defs: removed DisplayName tag
Shields: removed DisplayName tag
Shields II: removed DisplayName tag
Shields III: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers II: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers III: removed DisplayName tag
Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Force Fields:
Superior Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Invulnerability Field: removed DisplayName tag
Invulnerability Field II: removed DisplayName tag
Ultimate Invulnerability: removed DisplayName tag
Subspace Rebounder: removed DisplayName tag
Dynamic Shielding: removed DisplayName tag
Missile Defense Theory: removed DisplayName tag
Chaff: removed DisplayName tag
Smart Chaff: removed DisplayName tag
ECM: removed DisplayName tag
ECM II: removed DisplayName tag
ECM III: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense II: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense III: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo II: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo III: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries II: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries III: removed DisplayName tag
Aereon Missile Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Telepathic Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Armor Theory: removed DisplayName tag
Titanitum Armor: removed DisplayName tag
Titanium Armor II: removed DisplayName tag
Titanium Armor III: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium II: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium III: removed DisplayName tag
Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Enhanced Tri-Strontium:
Superior Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium II: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium III: removed DisplayName tag
Duralthene Armor: removed Details tag
Adamantium Armor:
Adamantium II:
Ultimate Adamantium: removed DisplayName tag
Zero-Point Armor: removed DisplayName tag
Arnorian Battle Armor: removed DisplayName tag
FleetBattleTactics: removed the following tags: Details and Group
TulonWeaponFocus: removed the following tags: Details and Group
Planetary Invasion: removed DisplayName tag
Planetary Bombardment: removed DisplayName tag
Tidal Disruption: removed DisplayName tag
Space Marines: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
Advanced Troop Mods: removed DisplayName tag
Planetary Defense:
-changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
-removed DisplayName tag
Adv. Planetary Defense: changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
Supreme Planetary Defense:
-changed Branch from Weapons to Defenses
-removed DisplayName tag
Starbase Fortification: removed Requires tag
Starbase Fortification Mark II: removed DisplayName tag
Starbase Fortification Mark III: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseMilitarization: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
StarbaseMobilization: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseProjection: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseDomination: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseConquestStrategy: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar0: removed Requires tag
TerrorStar1: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar2: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar3: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar4: removed DisplayName tag
Reordered the techs in the same general order as in the TechTree.xml
Important notice: I'm using the InternalNames of the techs this time.
Cybernetic History:
-moved to TechTree.xml
-changed Branch from Industry to Culture
Xeno Communications: removed DisplayName tag
UniversalTranslator: removed following tags: Group and Alignment
Diplomatic Relations: removed Alignment tag
Counter Espionage:
Trade: removed Alignment tags
Advanced Trade: removed DisplayName tag
Master Trade: removed Alignment tag
Neutral Shipping: removed DisplayName tag
Alliances: removed following tags: Group and Alignment
Xeno Ethics: removed following tags: Group and Alignment
Good and Evil: removed DisplayName tag
Concepts of Righteousness: removed DisplayName tag
Concepts of Malice: removed DisplayName tag
Balanced Vision: removed DisplayName tag
FusionReactors: removed the following tags: DisplayName and Group
HyperDrive: removed Requires tag
NewPropulsion: removed Alignment tag
IonDrive: removed DisplayName tag
ImpulseDrive: removed Alignment tag
Impulse Drive Mark II: removed DisplayName tag
Impulse Drive Mark III: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive: removed Alignment tag
Warp Drive II: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive III: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive IV: removed DisplayName tag
Warp Drive V: removed DisplayName tag
StellarStreams: moved to TechTree.xml
ArtificialGravity: removed the following tags: Details, Group, Alignment, and PopulationGrowthAbility
CollectiveManufacturing1: moved to TechTree.xml
CollectiveManufacturing2: moved to TechTree.xml
CollectiveManufacturing3: moved to TechTree.xml
CollectiveManufacturing4: moved to TechTree.xml
ManufacturingVortex: moved to TechTree.xml
DistributedEnergyMatrix: moved to TechTree.xml
Xeno Engineering: removed the following tags: Group, Alignment, and Requires
Space Mining:
-changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
-removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Space Mining2:
-changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
-removed DisplayName tag
Space Mining3:
-changed Branch from Logistics to Industry
-removed DisplayName tag
ComputationalMatrix: moved to TechTree.xml
Research Center: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Synthetic Ingenuity: moved to TechTree.xml
Research Academy: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Creative Insight: moved to TechTree.xml
Invention Matrix: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Discovery Sphere: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Neutrality Learning Center: removed Group tag
Deeper Knowledge: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Understanding: removed DisplayName tag
Near Omniscience: removed DisplayName tag
Beyond Mortality: removed DisplayName tag
Technology Victory: removed the following tags: Group, Alignment, and WillingnessToTrade
EfficiencyStudies: moved to TechTree.xml
EfficiencyStudies2: moved to TechTree.xml
EfficiencyStudies3: moved to TechTree.xml
EfficiencyStudies4: moved to TechTree.xml
EfficiencyStudies5: moved to TechTree.xml
ChargingStalks: moved to TechTree.xml
Advanced Charging Stalks: moved to TechTree.xml
AdvancedPopulationAcceleration: moved to TechTree.xml
SparkOfLife: moved to TechTree.xml
ExtendedLifetime: moved to TechTree.xml
Soil Enhancement: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Habitat Improvement: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Terraforming: removed Group tag
BiologicalStudies: moved to TechTree.xml
ExtremeColonization: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
AquaticWorldColonization: removed the following tags: Details and CourageAbility
AdvancedAquaticWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
BarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedBarrenWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
HeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedHeavyGravityColonization: removed DisplayName tag
RadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedRadioactiveWorldColonization: removed DisplayName tag
ToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
AdvancedToxicAtmosphereReductor: removed DisplayName tag
InterstellarConstruction: removed the following tags: Description, Details, Category, Group, and Requires
Advanced Hulls:
-changed Branch from Industry to Logistics
-removed the following tags: Group, Alignment, and Requires
Medium Scale Building: removed Alignment tag
Superior Hulls: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Master Hull Building: removed DisplayName tag
Massive Scale Building: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Reinforced Hull Design: removed DisplayName tag
Hardened Hull Design: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Materials: removed the following tags: Description, Details, and Group
Basic Logistics: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Enhanced Logistics: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Logistics: removed Alignment tag
Expert Logistics: removed Alignment tag
Ultimate Logistics: removed Alignment tag
Basic Life Support:
-removed Alignment tag
-added CanBeStolen tag
-changed WillingnessToTrade from 50 to 0
Extended Life Support:
-removed Alignment tag
-changed WillingnessToTrade from 70 to 0
Advanced Life Support:
-removed Alignment tag
-changed WillingnessToTrade from 50 to 0
Ultra Life Support:
-removed Alignment tag
-added CanBeStolen tag
-changed WillingnessToTrade from 50 to 0
Basic Miniaturization: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Enhanced Miniaturization: removed Alignment tag
Advanced Miniaturization: removed DisplayName tag
Expert Miniaturization: removed Alignment tag
Ultimate Miniaturization: removed Alignment tag
Supreme Miniaturization: removed Alignment tag
StellarCartography: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
StarScanner: removed Alignment tag
StarScanner2: removed Alignment tag
Sensor2: removed DisplayName tag
Sensor3: removed DisplayName tag
Galactic Warfare: removed Alignment tag
Space Militarization: removed Alignment tag
Space Weapons: removed MilitaryProductionAbility tag
StarshipDefenses: removed Alignment tag
Beam Weapon theory: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
KineticStreams1: moved to TechTree.xml
KineticStreams2: moved to TechTree.xml
KineticStreams3: moved to TechTree.xml
Plasma Weapons: removed Requires tag
Plasma Weapons II: removed DisplayName tag
Plasma Weapons III: removed DisplayName tag
Phasors: removed Alignment tag
Phasors II: removed Alignment tag
Phasors VI: removed Alignment tag
Phasors VII: removed Alignment tag
Doom Ray: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Psyonic Beam: removed Group tag
Missile Weapon Theory: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Seeker1: moved to TechTree.xml
Seeker2: moved to TechTree.xml
Seeker3: moved to TechTree.xml
Harpoon II:
Harpoon III:
Photonic Torpedo:
Photonic Torpedo II:
Photonic Torpedo III:
Photon Torpedo:
Photon Torpedo II:
Photon Torpedo III:
NightmareTorpedo: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Pysonic Missile: removed Group tag
Mass Driver Theory: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
ScatterBlaster1: moved to TechTree.xml
ScatterBlaster2: moved to TechTree.xml
ScatterBlaster3: moved to TechTree.xml
Graviton Driver: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Graviton Driver II: removed Alignment tag
Graviton Driver III: removed Alignment tag
Graviton Driver IV: removed Alignment tag
Quantum Driver:
Quantum Driver II:
Quantum Driver III:
Black Hole Gun: removed the following tags: Alignment and Requires
Psyonic Shredder: removed DisplayName tag
Shield Defense Theory: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Deflectors: removed Alignment tag
EnhDeflectors: removed DisplayName tag
ADvDeflectors: removed Alignment tag
Superior Defs: removed Alignment tag
Shields: removed DisplayName tag
Shields II: removed DisplayName tag
Shields III: removed DisplayName tag
Barriers: removed Alignment tag
Barriers II: removed Alignment tag
Barriers III: removed Alignment tag
Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Advanced Force Fields: removed Alignment tag
Superior Force Fields: removed DisplayName tag
Invulnerability Field: removed DisplayName tag
Invulnerability Field II: removed DisplayName tag
Ultimate Invulnerability: removed Alignment tag
Subspace Rebounder: removed DisplayName tag
Dynamic Shielding: removed DisplayName tag
Missile Defense Theory: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Chaff: removed Alignment tag
Smart Chaff: removed DisplayName tag
ECM: removed DisplayName tag
ECM II: removed DisplayName tag
ECM III: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense II: removed DisplayName tag
Point Defense III: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo II: removed DisplayName tag
PD Combo III: removed DisplayName tag
Droid Sentries: removed Alignment tag
Droid Sentries II: removed Alignment tag
Droid Sentries III: removed Alignment tag
Aereon Missile Defense: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Telepathic Defense: removed DisplayName tag
Armor Theory: removed the following tags: Group and Alignment
Titanitum Armor: removed Alignment tag
Titanium Armor II: removed Alignment tagv
Titanium Armor III: removed Alignment tag
Duranthium: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium II: removed DisplayName tag
Duranthium III: removed DisplayName tag
Tri-Strontium: removed Alignment tag
Enhanced Tri-Strontium:
Superior Tri-Strontium: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium II: removed DisplayName tag
Kanvium III: removed DisplayName tag
Duralthene Armor: removed Details tag
Adamantium Armor: removed Alignment tag
Adamantium II: removed Alignment tag
Ultimate Adamantium: removed Alignment tag
Zero-Point Armor: removed Alignment tag
Arnorian Battle Armor: removed DisplayName tag
FleetBattleTactics: removed the following tags: Details and Group
TulonWeaponFocus: removed the following tags: Details and Group
FleetDefense: removed Details tag
XalaxDefenseCoord: removed DisplayName tag
Planetary Invasion: removed DisplayName tag
Planetary Bombardment: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorDrones1: moved to TechTree.xml
TerrorDrones2: moved to TechTree.xml
TerrorDrones3: moved to TechTree.xml
Starbase Fortification: removed Requires tag
Starbase Fortification Mark II: removed DisplayName tag
Starbase Fortification Mark III: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseMilitarization: removed the following tags: Group and Requires
StarbaseMobilization: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseProjection: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseDomination: removed DisplayName tag
StarbaseConquestStrategy: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar0: removed Requires tag
TerrorStar1: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar2: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar3: removed DisplayName tag
TerrorStar4: removed DisplayName tag
Plague Cure:
Disease Cure:
And here are the files themselves. I, once again, re-added the TechTree.xml, because I found some more things I've overlooked before. That should be all, for now, as far as the tech trees are concerned.