re: "Basically the AI "knows" the map inside-out right from the start, all colonizable planets, resources and he further doesn't have a fog-of-war"
While that is true, the AI can't colonise planets it hasn't "seen". I've tested this extensively, and it is the case. For example, in one game there was a habitable planet in a star system right next to the AIs. However, it didn't colonise it, despite having multiple colony ships. That only changed when one of the AIs scouts got close to the planet. In another game, there was a uncolonised cluster. The AI still had several colony ships left, and could easily reach the cluster without having to extend its range. However, it never colonised the cluster, because its scouts were busy in other directions. I finally took the cluster for myself, almost three years after the start of the game.
You can easily verify this for yourself. Just start a game, disable the FOW, let the AI play for itself, and watch what it does. It's always the same procedure:
-use the starting colony ship to colonise a planet within sight (usually the secondary world of the homesystem)
-build scouts, and send them out to find planets
-build colony ships, and send them to the scouted planets
I never saw any deviation from this.
re: "With spamable farms you either decrease their AI values then most worlds will be without farms and stay at 8b ppl(this is the case in my testgames the last 2 weeks in 80% of all worlds - playing without techtrade)"
The AI isn't yet researching the farming techs properly. Except for the Yor, but even they still need some work.
re: "Or you increase their value then the AI will spam them which will do more harm then good."
The AI will never build more than four farms. With a low enough food bonus, this won't be an issue. I specifically set the farms up so that this will lead to a max population of 20b. Now the AI only needs to build enough morale improvements to keep the populace happy.
re: "However, on 1pp improvements you can increase the value to levels which ensures the AI will always build them."
You can never be sure about that, no matter how high you set the value. Even with a value of 500+, there will always be cases where the AI just doesn't build the improvement.
re: "Minor races are cut down by 50% in population!!!
If anything you should boost them"
This had to be done, because it is impossible to balance for two different sets of base food production. No matter whether you go for 1pp farms or spammable ones, if the AI builds them on the homeworld, they'll have an over-population problem. If you balance the farms for the food value of the homeworld, then you'll screw over the colonies, because the farms will barely do anything. You'll also hurt the Yor, because their economy relies on high population.
re: "How much is that hardcoded limit on trade routes actually?"
12. The Korx already start at 10 (11 originally).
re: "The module is a remnant of GalCiv1. Actually, a lot of data, pics, descriptions & some stats are, unused but not deleted."
I know. It's just weird that the manual still mentions the module, even though it has never been in GalCiv 2 (except for maybe the beta for DL).
re: "A stat that works civ wide doesn't work on normal (1pp included) structures. It has to be an SP or GA."
Or a TG.
re: "The minors could could get a large soldering bonus to make them harder to conquer."
I was thinking of adding a planetary defense bonus to the Civ Capital. That would help everyone, not just the minors. It also makes sense, in my opinion. You'd want your homeworld to be as secure as possible.