re: "none are using anything higher than small hulls so far."
The AIValues for Advanced Hulls and upwards were still on 10 in the last version. I adjusted them in my new version, which should make the AI more likely to go for them.
re: "the Iconian research structures just rock."
What do you think about the Precursor Library as a GA? I'm still not sure, if that was the right move. However, it was the only thing I could think of to fix the Iconians over-abundance of mandatory 1pps. Although, I'm even more worried about the Omega Research Center. It feels a bit UP compared to the Tech Capital and Precursor Library.
re: "I love the fact it only takes a few constructors to upgrade a starbase."
Speaking of which, in my new version, I reduced the amount of production-assist modules for the Drengin from 5 to 3, and the Korath from 4 to 2, and the mining modules of the Yor from 4 to 3. The amount just felt too high, when compared to the standard of 2.
re: "since it is possible to set up a race in RaceConfig while still allowing a skill reset for customisation."
How so? The RaceConfig.xml only has tags for the base values of the abilities, but not for custom modifiers. Only the .raceconfigxml file for a customised race has those.
I've uploaded a new version. Same link as before.
In addition to what I've already mentioned, it contains Mabus' changes to remove the farm tiles from sight, two new SB modules (Repair System and the Korx-only Protection Racket), and a new look for the tech trees. The look is based on the one used in the TechTree.xml uploaded by Mabus, but with some adjustments to keep the file easier to work with.
I also changed the con for the Krynn back to Research, and gave them a -10% Research penalty. Their techs Superior Espionage and Master Spies now grant a +5% bonus to Research, so this is basically a zero-sum change.
I've run a couple test with the new values for the starbase defenses, and they were working fine. Until Miniaturization entered the mix. The defences just couldn't handle the increased fire-power of the attacking ships. The attacker didn't even need tier 6 weapons to bring down a maxed out starbase. Seven large hulled ships with Phasors III were enough to wipe it out in the first turn.
I could increase the defences to compensate for this, but that would screw over anyone without a high level of Miniaturization. However, this could also make the starbases untouchable, if the owner has access to a couple Military Resources. So, I'm considering to reduce the amount of Miniaturization instead. Either to 30% (5% per tech), 50% (5% for the first two techs and 10% for the rest), or 60% (10% per tech). I would prefer 30%, because it would be the least overpowering option. However, I'd like to hear what you think.