Nice work, Mabus.
However, I don't know, if we are allowed to make any changes to the UI in this update. If we are, I'm going to need a changelog for all the changes you've made, before I can add your files.
Still, I'm a bit worried that removing any signs of the farm tiles might cause problems in the future. For example, if somebody decides to give the farms their regular food production again. How would they know, if there are any farm tiles on the planet? Worse still, if that person is a new player, and doesn't know that there are bonus tiles for farms. They might think the game is bugged, if their food-production is suddenly higher for no apparent reason.
Granted, the same can also be said, if we continue to display the farm tiles. A new player might not understand why the bonus doesn't work, and, once again, think that this is a bug. However, I believe this could be easily solved by adding a disclaimer to the description of the tiles, stating that the tiles don't work for percentage bonuses.
Anyhow, I've uploaded a new version. You can download it here.
This version contains the fully updated scenarios and campaigns. If you want to test the campaigns, then you need to replace the original ones in the Twilight\Data\English\Campaigns folder with the updated ones, because the campaigns don't work from the mod-folder. The scenarios, however, do. So you don't need to do any extra work, if you want to test those.
I changed the weapons and defences to the new values, and adjusted the starbase defense and military-assist modules. The first tier Battle Stations/Defense Stations are strong enough to repel several fleet of tiny/small hulled ships with first tier weapons. However, the starbase will eventually fall, which is pretty much how I want it. I still need to test the other tiers.
The military-assist modules are quite a bit weaker now. Their total bonuses are now based on the weapons/defences of the same tier. For example, the first Multiplier Field grants +1 beam, +2 missile, and +1 MD, which is the equivalent of one Laser, one Stinger, and one Railgun. Multiplier Field II increases the bonus by +1 to all, which makes the total bonus the equivalent of one Particle Beam, one Harpoon, and one Singularity Driver. Ditto for Protection Fields. To compensate for this change, I've reduced the cost for each module from 200bc to 100bc.
I've also reverted my changes to the Terror Star modules. As it turned out, military-assist modules don't work with Terror Stars. You can add them, but their bonuses don't get applied to ships in the area. The Terror Star's lack of ZoC might have something to do with this. Shows you how often I use these bloody things.
I made a first pass on the descriptions for the planetary improvements. They should be a bit more clear about what the improvements do now. However, this will probably be a WIP, because what's clear for me, might not be clear for everyone else.
Lastly, I, err, standardised the SPs and GAs. All SPs that grant a civ-wide bonus are now GAs, and all GAs that only grant planetary bonuses are now SPs. Due to this, I've removed the Morale ability bonus from the Shrine of the Mithrilar again, because I don't want to turn the Shrine into a GA. However, I'm not happy with the huge planetary morale bonus. So, if anybody has an idea about what we could do with the Shrine, then I'm all ears. I also moved the Weapons ability bonus from the Dark Energy Lab to the Unimaginable Destruction tech, because I didn't want to turn this SP into a GA either.
There are two exceptions to the standardisation: the Orbital Command Center (for obvious reasons) and the Artificial Slave Center (the bonus doesn't work for GAs and TGs).
I also added some bonuses to techs that only unlock a GA, but don't provide anything else, because I don't like the idea that two races could get the same tech, but only one would receive any sort of benefit from it. The techs in question, and their new bonuses, are:
Mercenary Academy (+10% Soldiering)
Cathedral of Valor (+20% Courage)
Fanatics (+20% Courage)
I still need a bonus for Fortified Freighters though. The most fitting ones, a bonus to Trade or Trade Routes, are out of the question, due to the Korx' super ability and the hardcoded limit on trade routes respectively.
There are still a few things that need to be addressed (What to do with the Technology Victory tech?; balancing; proofreading; maybe some new descriptions; making sure that everything is working as intended), but, on the whole, I think we are almost done.