You don't get it Starkers. It's not experts telling people Windows 8 sucks. It's neighbors telling neighbors or random everyday people telling that person at the big box store to avoid Windows 8. I'm no expert, but I tell people to use 7.
But where do you think the anti-Win 8 thing began? The so-called experts got their hands on it way before neighbours could tell neighbours what it even looked like, much less had a chance to try/use it.... and all too often, 'expert' opinions are all it takes to sink a product.
Now I like Win 8 and use it as my primary OS, and have done so since release, but even so, I do admit that Metro was almost the killer for me. I was not at all fond of it as the default UI when logging into my PC, but it is so easily bypassed and the desktop is no different to Win 7 with the addition of a start button/menu, except that it's faster. So for all the bitching as to why Win 8 sucks, I and millions of others have found a way for it to work for us.
So yeah, I DO get it.... sadly many others didn't/don't because of its assassination by press/media...ignoramusses who can't/don't want to look past Metro