Hi, I'm new to the GalCiv universe, stumbled upon it by accident. Looks like I've been missing out on a great franchise, glad to join in now.
My first starship creation is very simplistic, I am thinking it'd be fun to have a race that likes to use orb-based designs. Without thinking "death star" too much, orb shaped capital ships would (real-world physics) open up the largest firing arcs possible per weapon. I like thinking about "real-universe" designs and how each ship would be most useful for its role.

With that said, my first ship is a simple scout/survey vessel. It has enough aerodynamics that it could scout in atmospheric environments, and has the orb base. I created it a couple weeks ago and since have seen how I may have been unconsciously influenced by some battlestar galactica ships as well as loosely pulling the tri-"wing" design from TIE Defender memories.
Oh well.
I take feedback appreciatively; I have a lot to learn with the ship designer. Some of you are real masters!