Further questions deposited here will likely be ignored.
Yeah. Stuff like that makes me wonder if people actually bother to read posts in a thread before posting. Its not like this thread is over a 100 posts long yet, nor is it hard to notice which post is made by a developer or moderator.
In fact, the new faction known as the Iridium Corporation are really a separate faction that split off from the Krynn.
Where did you get that from? I don't remember anything being said about them, except that they are ultra-capitalists. Well, and that they've always been part of the lore, but I don't remember them being mentioned before either.
I can't figure out where exactly it says that off hand (I'm not good at keeping notes where everything is found), but I did check an image in the founder's vault before posting. It looked like some player was doing diplomacy with the Iridium Corporation. Try checking the file "UI_Diplomacy.jpg" (which has the Terran Alliance doing trade with the Iridium Corporation).
I'm trying to do some searching for details as for the Iridium Corporation now. I'll post back if I get confirmation as if they are a splinter faction of the Krynn (or maybe I'll make a new thread asking about it if I get frustrated).