To add in on the Yor Idea ie no morale, they also can't be spied on early game (they are ai love this tidbit from Sots 2 until u research AI tech no offensive espionage can be used against them but you can use your spy's to slow them down when they use them against you.)
Damn, you want questions...
Will wormholes return?
The idea that they are not anomalies in the sense how the scouts ships would beeline these suckers as they did in GC2 when they should go for normal anomalies ie ones that give ya good stuff (check box on explore button to ignore wormholes). Wormholes can be used once or can be used a few times before they close and or stay open the entire game. Even a one way stargate or 2 way stargate in game would be cool (make them rare).
In the campaign when you fail a mission will the campaign follow different routes (think Wing Commander) or will the it just end there and you have to redo the mission again until you pass? So Branching story?
Will there be Hero/leader units? (think Distant Worlds Legends/ Star Wars Rebellion/Sword Of The Stars 2/Moo Series) Really enjoy having people to control and exploit.
One thing lots of games suffer from audio wise today (GalCiv2's weapon sounds did this) even if you turn down the ingame audio in the settings sometimes its still crazy loud (even when you slide it to 1%.) Will GC3 have a better audio controls/passes? Also some other games have built in audio option to reduce in game audio by x% when your in a voice chat when you talk or are other people are talking. This would be really nice.
Will all the killed off races be back in sandbox mode?
Can we have a separate program to design ships in when playing other games? Would love this!
Will their be wonder videos and victory/defeat videos?
Anymore info you can reveal about combat?
Multimonitor support?
Fullscreen windowed mode? easily alt tab out or mouse out of your game to do other tasks please?
In game lore section? Full audio too like Mass Effect series? Voiced technologies like Civ series?
More info on how stations are gonna be handled?
More multiplayer info? Can we watch other players combats between turns? (think Sword Of The Stars Series)