Bidding has closed on the auction for the remaining intellectual property assets of THQ. As THQ confirmed in February, bids were received until April 15th for remaining assets including Darksiders, Red Faction, Homeworld and more, and sales are expected to be finalized by mid-May.
According to Polygon, court documents reveal that 17 final bids were received and are expected to bring in between $6-7 million. While the specific breakdown of bids and prices per property haven’t been disclosed, the documents do note that six different lots were up for auction (though we don't know whether all six lots received bids):
The identities of bidders haven’t been revealed, but we do know that Crytek planned to bid on Darksiders as of last month.
In a Kickstarter update yesterday, indie developer TeamPixel noted that “the auction for the Homeworld license ended April 15, 2013, and while we reached qualified bidder status for the bankruptcy auction, we were unable to raise the necessary funds to remain competitive against the other parties at the auction." Magicka publisher Paradox Interactive had the third-highest bid in the process, while Sins of a Solar Empire publisher Stardock had the second-highest. The identity of the winning bidder is still unknown.
Interestingly, court documents also reveal that the intellectual property and website of de Blob developer Blue Tongue Studios were purchased by "a holding company for water and solvent inks" for $15,000.