I don't know about everyone else, but Rebellion is seriously overpriced. 39.95 for an expansion, standalone or not, is just dumb. Even with the ten dollar discount you get for already owning Sins, the content introduced in Rebellion isn't worth all of that money. So, beyond just wondering when they're going to drop the price, do you think they ever actually will?
I mean, I would be satisfied with Trinity, but there's literally no one playing anymore. It's once in a blue moon that I can actually find a game that's not password protected, locked, or has friends only slots. It's a real shame, because Sins is a great game. Once they drop that 40 dollar price tag by another ten bucks, I would be wholeheartedly willing to buy it as long as I retain my ten dollar discount for owning Sins.
What about you? For those of you still on the fence, how much of a price drop would you like to see before you purchase Rebellion?