EA has frustrated the quality of product in the gaming industry for a long time now, but for me the last straw was when Bioware was bought out.
Biggest. Mistake. Ever.
For all practical reasons, it would seem genious on the part of EA for this move. They gained a REALLY good gaming company and merged that talent and quality into itself to assist in the development of really good games in the future, right? NOPE.
A reality check shows them destroying a REALLY good gaming company and gaining nothing from it. They've lost the employees of talent and quality. They've ruined the gaming titles that Bioware was working on. They're destroying the PC gaming market by only offering console crap.
EA has got to STOP focusing on console compatability. It's destroying quality of gaming. It's also hurting their bottom line.
I won't buy EA. Dragon Age is the perfect example. When it was released, EA was still only a publisher for them. Since then, with the release of Dragon Age II, EA bought Bioware. The difference between those two game are DAY and NIGHT. LOVED LOVED LOVED Dragon Age.....tried Dragon Age II....quit playing it almost right away and reloaded it's predicessor for another go. I'd rather repeat the story line with a GOOD game than get a new storyline with CONSOLE CRAP.