Here is my one cent
To start I will say I have a fair amount of multiplayer experience my opinion is largely based off this.
How powerful should the Titan be? Should it be a one ship fleet or should it merely be a slightly stronger capital ship? Not everyone will agree on how strong it should be, some may want an unupgraded starbase to beat it, while others want it to be the ultimate game winner. I honestly don't care how strong it is as long as it's not overpowered, it's viable, it counters a few things and is countered by a few others.
Regarding Cost, Build time and Tech Level of the Titan: Ask 10 people and get 10 distinct answers. This is the beta its purpose is to find and fix technical issues, uncover game imbalances, and fish out consumer opinion of game features (and for some games help with marketing). Already there have been major changes to Titan cost and build time. So how much should the Titan cost? How long should it take to build? And when should you build it? Well.... there really isn't a *correct* answer to any of these questions. How then do we decide what numbers to put there? What it boils down to is: What do the Devs want? Do they want a ship you are forced to build asap to remain competitive? Or, do they want a ship that isn't ideal to build until some point after the 3 hour mark? The game (unless modded) will hopefully play out as the Devs intend; whether the game is a giant Titan brawl; or, the Titan is just a small, but useful, component of the late game fleet. The Devs can make it so that it's really cheap and easy to get whereas you must get it very early just like everyone else who knows how to play; or they can make it very costly and hard to get. It all comes down to how the Devs intend the Titan to be used. The player base can argue and debate for the rest of their lives, about various aspects of the Titan. If when the game is released you don't like the path the Devs chose there are a few modders that will probably be happy to help *fix* it, or this might just be the wrong game for you.
So what do I think about the Titan:
Gain: I like the rate at which the Titan levels up. But... it shares XP with capital ships, the problem with this is you want to keep your capital ships away from the combat so your Titan gets all the XP; sure there will be a few cases where you want to use your capital ships in the same well as your Titan, but so far in the beta this has been rare, meaning most of the time I would rather have my capital ships sitting a jump or two away doing nothing except not splitting XP with my Titan. I do not see this as the way the Devs intend the game to be played.
Death: If its late game and everyone has level 8-10 Titans having your level 9 titan destroyed, rebuilding it at level 1 is kind of pointless; yet I feel as though rebuilding it at the same level it was when you lost it at is cheap. Rebuilding a high level Titan for the same cost as a level 1 titan (cheaper if you count the Titan factory/cap ship crew) doesn't seem right to me; you should lose something, like a fraction of the XP this will weaken it, and create some loss, but not reset its *progress* to zero.
Strength, Power and Abilities: Honestly you can make this whatever you want; as long as it's balanced with: Cost, Build Time, Scaling, and when its practical to build.
Counters and Scaling: I don't know when the Devs intended for you to build a Titan but I do know this; If you can build a Titan 20 minutes into the game, you should be able to field a reasonable counter within the same time frame. Sure if you see it coming you can try to take out the factory, but this can be hard to do (and risky), or you can even try to build your own Titan, but I'm not sure either of these are really *counters*. Modern RTS games are more or less a massively complicated game of rock paper scissors, every choice is countered by another choice there isn't something that beats everything else and then ties with itself, that doesn't make a very interesting or competitive game.
As it is the Titans scale mostly with XP; stronger abilities, more HP, and more weapon damage. The problem is that in the current version of the beta is once you and your opponent both build Titans it turns into a game of "who feeds the other guy the least". I really don't know what to say about this, you don't want your frigates to fight because they will end up feeding the other guys Titan; you don't want your capital ships to fight because they take XP away from your Titan, so what it comes down to is that you want to fleet to be a one ship fleet. While it might sound awesome to have a one ship fleet, this makes a fleet of multiple ships less viable, a balance needs to be achieved here (between frigates, capital ships, and Titan).
Suggestion(s) for the Devs to mull over:
1. Create a Tech Tree for the Titans.
Things that can be included: building tech, damage, hp, hp regen, armor, mitigation, building time, XP attributes, move speed, jump charge up, jump engine, antimatter regen, antimatter pool, prerequisite techs that increase the cost of the titan (or even have each tech increase the cost by 2-5%). These techs can be cheap (or even free). The main purpose of this is to create scalability, where you can build the titan early game and it’s not OP, yet it scales into the late game and becomes a monster of a ship.
2. Titan XP.
I think this needs changed, I honestly think Titans shouldn't split XP with capital ships. All to often I find myself leaving my capital ships behind just so it doesn't *steal* XP from my titan where the XP is put to better use.
3. Game infrastructure
ICO friends list comes back? Sure steam is replacing alot of ICO's features; but I don't want to spam my steam friends list with people that I only want to have contact with while I play Sins.
Stats could use some work (still unfinished beta I know but thought I would mention it) new units need added and it would be nice if user actions becomes fixed.
Game Crashes: I know you guys have put alot of work into fixing this, yet this is still a major issue for many players. Beyond the crash that happens 90% time when you leave a game, I think there is a crash rate of about 1/(10-20) games. This very easily causes players to stop playing a game and move on to one that crashes less frequently.
Disconnected and Out Of Sync errors: Same issues as game crashes just effects a smaller portion of the player base
4. Random stuff
I wouldn't mind a way to tell which subfation players are in game; when you scout players you can tell if they're TEC, Advent, or Vasari; but not if they are Rebel or Loyalist.
There is always the old "Make custom maps transfer automatically when you join a game"
Steam Alt Tab: when I have the chat box selected Alt Tabbing works like Tab.(cycling though whisper for everyone in the lobby)
I think your guys are on way to make SoaSE a better game; I hope writing all this helps.
Edit: It's master1a but for some reason my account(s) are mixed up and I'm not posting on my normal account.