Ive paid a total of 70$ for everything. The 10$ discount is simply pathetic. The discount should be equal to 30% of what a player has already spent on the series. That means I should have to pay only 21$. Its not greed, its sense.
Well, in 2010, when i have order Harpoon Ultimate edition, i have receive 25$ discount on the 75$ price tag ( at the release time ) because i have owner several of the previous release...
Yes, it was a 1/3 discount but Harpoon Ultimate edition was a 20 year edition with every version of the game made in the last 20 years... usually, you can have discount for these collector, gold, platinium, anniversary collection if you have previous version... these discount usually apply to old product and not new one...
When released, entrenchment/diplomacy was something new... Trinity was a cheap package with everything... Rebellion have new thing too... not only titan or Corvette are added but the graphic engine move from shader 2.0 to shader 3.0... well, these are the well know new features but there are other not so well know... by example, devs have speak about map triggers... they have not explain a lot about it but maybe it will allow some scenario features... one other feature planned on request of some people on these forum is the possibility to use custom map with multiplayer game via a automatic upload...
Point is it is best to wait the beta before speaking of a " slightly-larger-than-usual micro expansion"... after all, entrenchment or diplomacy was not a micro expension, so called DLC... plenty of game using the DLC system simply sell some new armor/spaceship for a few $$$ without reworking the game engine and the play mechanic... each of the soase expansion have fully change the way the game is play... adding more that only a few ship... in fact, some other game publisher will have release some of the free soase patch as a DLC... patch are normally for correct bug, not for improve the engine...
About greed... think of the following... plenty of game cost 50$ for only 50 hours ( or less ) of play... let say that you order Rebellion with the 10$ discount... you will have pay a whole 100$ since 2008 ( 5 year ago )... seem a lot... now, count how much hours you have already play the game and count the cost by hours... result will be very very small... count how much you will have pay if you was using a other type of entertaiment... by example, the same amount of time hiring/buying video film, or being at cinema, or buying music...
Same at a total of 100$, soase is a cheap entertaiment... well, it is usually true for almost all strategic/tactical game due to high reply possibilities... or for game with a huge amount of modding who give a new life to game... luck for us, soase is a strategic game with a huge modding communauty...
About modding, pretty sure that Rebellion will add some features requested by modders and so, with time, modders will move on Rebellion only ( ask to much resource for maintain a mod for all version )...
In short, we cannot yet reply to your question if Rebellion is worth 40$ until we can really see everything who is added or improved... personaly, i think it is worth because of the already high reply value of the game and because i am pretty sure that Rebellion will include some feature requested by modders ( who will allow new high mod level )...