Quoting michaelwhittaker,
The first game I played was Dark avatar. Then the game degradaded until my Dark avatar couldn't work anymore. I had lost the Cd; so I couldn't reload the game. I didn't have the internet at the time, so I never registered the game I efectively lost the game.
The only way of getting Dark Avatar without internet-access is the retail Gold Edition. Which means, that you also had Dread Lords. Still, without the ability to patch the game, you were missing out on a lot of improvements. Especially to the AI.
Quoting michaelwhittaker,
The only other option I had is to find the Dread lords expansion vs the Dark avatar
Dark Avatar
is the expansion to Dread Lords. I think, you are confusing the two with each other.
Quoting michaelwhittaker,
I would recommend replacing the Korath Ai with a generic Ai
As I explained to you
here, that is a bad idea. The Korath AI is the only one capable of using Spore ships. If you switch it to a different one, the Korath won't be able to use their biggest advantage.
Quoting michaelwhittaker,
I will admit that U can't dp much with the Yor.
That highly depends on the player. The AI, while not perfect, generally does a decent enough job. Well, as long as it gets enough planets.
Quoting michaelwhittaker,
Even with a broken Ai with the Thalans and the Torians and the Korath with the settings I am about to mention there is no way Dark avatar is better
That's quite subjective. TotA is more fun to me, but DA has less bugs and the AI performs much better in general, meaning it's more challenging.
Quoting michaelwhittaker,
U do have to remember that the Tech trees r a first draft
Which tech trees are a first draft? The one in DA is based on the original from DL, with only some small differences (mainly a couple new techs). The ones in TotA saw several changes during the beta. Some even saw a couple adjustments after the beta ended. None of those would fall under "first draft".
Quoting michaelwhittaker,
but one Ai I know that is not broken is the Generic
All AIs in TotA have some sort of problem. The one of the Generic AI is, that it is especially keen on increasing the tax rate when money is low, sometimes even beyond 100%.
Quoting michaelwhittaker,
not to mention I heard the Torian or Terran is a good Ai
I give you the Terrans, but the Torian/Iconian AI is the one most people mention when they talk about broken AIs in TotA (which I also did in the post I linked to above). It expands quite well, which is great, but at some point it stops building anything on the new colonies (except for the Starport). That means, that, the longer the game goes on, the weaker the Torians and Iconians get, because they fall more and more behind in research, economy, and manufacturing.
Quoting michaelwhittaker,
Twilight of the arnor is not a perfect game but neither is Dark avatar.
So? DA is still less buggy and more balanced (I don't mean that in the competitive sense) than TotA. I like TotA a lot (which is why I kept working so hard on my mod), but it doesn't hold a candle to DA when it comes to polishing.
Quoting michaelwhittaker,
From what I can see Gunathor mod fixes the issues that the game is having
I tried my best, but there are still some issues left. However, I can't do anything about them, because I lack access to the source code. Not that access would help me any. I'm not a programmer. Still, my mod is not the only one fixing those bugs. As I mentioned
here, when you were asking about mods for the first time, there are three more.
Quoting michaelwhittaker,
minor race tech tree
If you are playing my mod, I would advise against using that tech tree (and the ones of the Dark Yor, Snathi, and Dread Lords). I made several changes to it, in order to prevent some problems for the minors, and removed a couple techs, that are useless to them (like the influence techs and the whole Tech Victory-line).