I must say Redneck has some good points, there are others far more meriting the title "fanboy" here.
Like yourself? I'll admit, I've thrown my fair share of insults- but in the case of Redneck, I have had the decorum to not swear at him.
Unlike yourself addressing me.
Just a few things ive noticed: in star trek just one shot from a disruptor can cause a persons entire body to vaporate, thats alot more power than any empire hand held energy weapon has as far as i know.
Disruptors and phasers leave no vapor remnant- and if they actually did vaporize a person, then any time we see that happen in an enclosed space, the firer's life should also be claimed. An expanding cloud of superheated vapor is very lethal.
That said- a phaser's magic nadion particles pretty much make phasers a magic chain reaction gun. Not nearly as much energy is contained as you would have us believe.
The medical science of the federation seems more advanced than the empires: they can mend broken bones and remove cuts by just moving a beam from a tiny handheld device over it. Even altering ones entire cellular structure and phycical performance takes tops a few hours if not minutes.
I'd say that they're equally advanced; if you can show me Trek fixing someone who had wounds extremely similar or identical to the injuries sustained by Vader on Mustafar, then maybe I'll buy the idea that Trek med science is superior. Until then, I hold that they're equally advanced, just in different areas and through different methodologies.
Transphasic Torpedos: just one could vaporice an entire borg cube, which normally took an insane amount of normal weaponfire from standard weapons. This weapon was brought from the future ofc, which star trek visits quite often. ugh.
Which is easily explained not by superior yield but by the fact that the Borg had never encountered transphasic torpedoes before; as a result, they had not had the opportunity to adapt, as they had with conventional photon and quantum torpedoes.
Overall, insufficient evidence.
Just one quantum torpoedo attached to some material i dont remember but it was quite common with the federation could cloud an entire planet making it unhibitable for 50 years.
Not exactly hard. You could do it on earth by simply seeding the whole place with cobalt or by throwing many tonnes of dust into the atmosphere, choking every living thing on the planet. And said effects usually last for far longer.
20 cardassian/romulan ships (not battlecruisers) launched one barrage of energy weapons at a planet and stated that the next salvo would turn it into glass. That is what 30 seconds? Those weapons would have to be very powerful considering that those ships are alot smaller than any empire ships.
Visual evidence is contradictory; it also gives no mention of how much of the surface would be turned to glass, given that most of the planet's surface in the initial salvo was engulfed in a fairly large firestorm- primarily from foliage ignition, AFAIK/IIRC.
The empire has nothing even coming close to the "2 to beam up" technology of the star trek races.
How would this help in a war? Transporters are known to be generally reliable- except when dealing with transporter jammers and exotic/high-density materials. The latter are very common in Imperial starship hull armors and structures. Not to mention the uncertainty of transporters working through Imperial shields, which are leagues away from Federation designs.
Star trek has replicators that can make oh abouth anything. In one episode they create a huge minefield of homing mines all equipped with replicators that when other mines are destroyed immediatly create new ones, making destroying them with normal means impossibly, oh did i forget to say that these mines were also cloaked and not possibly to detect, even with the normal means of detecting cloaked ships because they had no real energi output to speak of. These replicators can also make weapons with ease.
Replicators require replicator stock; Star Wars has Duplicators which have an identical function. Further, Trek sensor's inability to detect cloaked mines has no bearing on Wars sensors attempting the same.
And dont get me started on some of the beeings that inhabit the star trek universe, let me see the Q and the prophets to name two.
Generally it's held that no superbeings will interfere; further, Q is interested in humanity; NOT the Federation. The UFP is the governing body of most of the human species- until the Empire comes a-knocking, in which it's found out that the Empire's human population probably outmatches that of the entire Alpha Quadrant. Such are the realities of a galaxy-covering civilization.
Also note that Q is not omnipotent; he's well known to be a liar, braggart, and trickster.
Now Q if he had taken an interest could have annihilated the ENTIRE empire, after all it just exists in one reality of the many millions that exist.. not that big a deal.
Evidence that the Q are capable of annihilating entire realities?
Then we have the prophets that simply removed 2800 dominion ships because another starfleet captain asked them to do it.
Sisko was of some significant, tangible value to the Prophets- and we have no evidence on just what happened to the Dominion fleet. For all we know, it could have been sent back in time, sent forward in time, or transported across the galaxy.
I'll further note that it is highly unlikely that any other captain would be capable of pulling off such a feat; Sisko had a very tangible relationship with the Prophets- no other Starfleet captain, to date, has.
I am sure they might be willing to lend a hand with the empire, id say if 2800 ISDs just vanished the empire would think twice abouth come knocking.
Not really. The Empire was producing around 3 per day in the period between EP3 and EP4- that's if it's a twenty-year interval between the two movies. And firstly, that's a low-end value; secondly that means that it will take about 2.5 years to replace all 2,800.
Not too bad. Especially irrelevant in that the Empire has 25,000 ISDs, and would also not have any use for the wormhole with the strategic advantage conferred by hyperdrive. As such, the Prophets would be incapable of such an action- they only managed it because the Dominion fleet had to go through the wormhole, which the Prophets had built and controlled.
You star wars people really dont understand, please watch the entirety of all star trek episodes and say that you think theyre technology is on par with the empire, it is not.
There are areas where the Empire and the Federation are equal, and there are areas in which each is superior. Transporters are a useful technology, one which the Empire does not have- but the Empire has the advantage of far superior economic capability, and strategic mobility. Medical technology, IMO, is about equal- the Empire has some advantages, and so does the Federation.
I am not saying its fair because to be honest star trek is pretty gung ho crazy when it comes to pulling crazy stunts, in one episode they may introduce a super cannon that gets installed on the enteprise and can blow through any shield and material and in the next they simply happen to forget it.
This is because Trek has traditionally relied on a standalone episode style, wherein each episode is only loosely connected to previous and subsequent ones. Trek also has a history of inconsistency and schizo-tech in that regard.
Note that "any shield and material" should be appended with "in Star Trek". On the surface, there's no way to tell how it would interact with SW materials and shielding, as SW and ST shields and materials science are radically different- and in the case of materials science, SW is clearly superior.
Size Matters in the case of building enormous structures, such as the Executor-class or the Death Stars; being that such objects are mobile, they must resist far more force than a comparably-sized space station.
You are probably right in that if we take only the standard issue stuff that we see in most of the series the empire would steamroll the federation, but as i said before: unless you want to play mortal combat you have to take on the whole damm star trek universe that could conceivably come to the federations help.
Firstly, swearing does not help state your point- and no, we don't have to take the entirety of the Star Trek universe. The Borg aren't going to help the Federation. The Romulans won't help the Federation. The Vidiians, the Baku, the Krenim, they won't help the Federation.
For every power that you say would help the Feds, I can probably find one that wouldn't. Also keep in mind that, in the end, it's unlikely to help the Feds. The Federation is a small portion of the Alpha Quadrant- the Empire covers an entire galaxy.
The disparity in scale is simply too great for the Federation to overcome; the sheer amount of resources and manpower that the Empire can throw at the problem is mindbogglingly huge!
Sure most may not, but if only 1 of those super powerful beeings that pop up in every 2 star trek episode deigns to help the EMPIRE COULD STICK THEIR HEAD BETWEEN THEIR LEGS AND SEE THEIR ASS TAKE OFF.
Most of said superbeings don't actually help, and occasionally compound the problem. They're also never heard from again, and were not contacted by the Federation- they found the Fed ship and decided to have a laugh. Rather hard for the Feds to call on them for help when said superbeings found the Fed ship, and not the other way around.
Oh noes, that is unfair, that wont happen you may say, but it may.. and if it do, the empire is fucked. Simple as that.
No, it's not "simple as that". Provide tangible proof and evidence that the Empire is doomed if all these species and powers come to the Federation's aid- which they very well might not.
It also is unfair, because the discussion was never "Empire vs Star Trek galaxy", it was always "Empire vs Federation". If necessary, then that means treating the scenario as if each polity no longer has any neighbors or internal problems, and is totally isolated except against each other.
Obviously it's not nearly as interesting if that's the case. But I'll say that that is our scenario if I have to, to get the point across that the discussion is the Empire taking on the Federation (or vice versa), and nothing else.
It is not Federation vs Empire because that is totally unrealistic, what it is is: the empire invades the alpha quadrant and picks out the federation for their first target.
Do you understand why the Empire would pick the Feds as the primary target of the Alpha Quadrant?
It's because the Federation is the largest and most powerful polity of the Alpha Quadrant. If it falls, then what hope do the lesser powers of the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire have? Said powers navies are either not as powerful (Klingons) or not as numerous (Romulans) as the Federation's.
diplomatically, skirmishy, total war whatever comes from there may go in either direction.
You're not making sense here. Clarify.
Now stop with your god damm stupid rubbish.
Swearing at me and calling my reasoned, logical arguments rubbish will not get your point across.