Quoting BlackRainz
I'm sorry, I really don't want to derail the thread, but this guy keeps posting nonsense. Nothing I have said is violent, perhaps you misunderstood me because of your incomplete knowledge of English, as that is not your first language. I also think it is funny that you consider yourself a Christian and say that Zeus might be real, your obviously not a very faithful Christian. I also never said I was Christian, for all you know, I could be Islamic, or Buddhist or an Atheist. The stories of Zeus, are just that, stories, trying to logically discuss Zeus when he isn't even real is just funny. I guarantee that I know more about this topic than you though, unless you are a teacher of history or theology, which I am. The character of Zeus often cheated on his wife with women, but I never saw it mention ever with a man. He also spawned many children from various women. That was not what I was discussing though and can we please end it? Thanks. /End Quote
Yes, please stop derailing this thread, Sir. I made a suggestion for a game mechanic based on Frogboy’s original post. You reply with stating that I spread misinformation (without any basis for it). That is simply rude.
But since you ask for it, I'll just answer you in the same vein one last time.
If you don't think you react "violently", maybe you should try and reread what you are actually posting. "this guy keeps posting nonsense" - very nice tone, thank you, Sir ... Great argument too, he, he.
I hope you realise you are only making a fool of yourself by dismissing posts from all non-native English speakers on an international forum. In this case especially, since I have published loads of English texts. And I'm not the least intimidated by your bullying.
BTW, I have never told you anything about my religious beliefs so don't derail the discussion even further please. Calling people you don't know "not very faithful Christians" has nothing to do on this forum and doesn’t merit further comment.
And I'm not impressed by your claims of being a teacher of history and theology after those, sorry to say, pathetic tries to cover up your apparent attitude problem with some kind of historical argumentation. You haven't added anything to this game discussion except insults to people contributing ideas.
If you are just out of your ivory tower and new to game forums, this is not the way to start.
Ugh, end of rant, back to constructive discussion with more open-minded people trying to develop a great game.