Fellow skinners and WinCustomizers!
I am happy to present to you the
first edition of RedneckDude's
Skinner Spotlight!
And for my first victim, I give you theAVMAN!
Let me start by saying that I have been a cohort of Harley's for several years. Harley and I, as well as a host of other skinners have collaborated on several Community projects, as well as just working on small projects together.
It seems that theAVMAN has recently passed the one million downloads mark, and it's no wonder! With skins like Robotic Defiance for CursorFX, and the more recent cursor called Robotic Retriever, you should really check these skins out, if you haven't already! He is also working on a WindowBlind called Robotic Defiance to hit the gallery soon!
TheAVMAN, Harley, has always been very helpful to other skinners when called upon, he is a very nice guy to boot! (So boot him as often as possible...lol!!) Below are a few screenshots of some of Harley's work, each is a link to the skin itself.
These are just a few of Harley's best skins. I'm sure his best is yet to come. He has been here at WC since 2006 and has really become a top class skinner! He is currently #36 in the top 50 skinners all time list! WTG Dude!
Please drop by theAVMAN's gallery and check out all his great work via the external link above. One thing you'll quickly see is that Harley definitely thinks outside the box!
If you have a particular skinner in mind for a spotlight, want me to try this again next month, I am open to suggestions. I'm just a common redneck, not so great with words, but I know good skinnin' and good people. Harley fits both categories, in this redneck's opinion.