hem ... i like it for single player ^^
i'd like to know how good are the vicious ai's ... cuz i just defeated 4 in one battle and it didnt seem any different from unfair ROBOCOP!!!
But still asking myself how it can add something to multiplayr game
no one will ever use 24 supply for something that ppl will kill before it can do crap ^^
and 1 allegience per shoot of the embacy (forgot the skill name) isnt enough, you'd need 10 (240 supply) to use it realy
i'll wait for multi playing to tell more impressions this is a first view after one game
(I WANT DEADLIER AIS seriously, change that siege spam crap, its useless, make em spam more lrf or hc directly, make em use repulse and subvs, make em spam hoshi kody and use it good, stop ai from runing into a battle ball)
i know its tough stuff
edit : a little suggestion btw
Check lum dmg its broken, i'm adv player and a little sick of seeing ppl cry on lums
same for kosutra and nova and delivrance engine, all broken novalith does way too much dmg (4500 ...) and pop reducting is deadly when you sb planet so you don't loose it, kosutra is the same, way too much damage on ships, 5 shots same time is crazy, 8 shots dead, 12 its the end no way you'll get up again and 6-7 shots is generally enough to take any fleet
its the contrary for delivrance engine, its useless, i needed 20 to take over a system ... and a LOT OF SHOTS to take down the planets, the 25% damage boost is ridiculous compared to the rest of canons i mean seriously ... oh and btw, the kosutra is so simple to get, you could rush it first thing with neutrals and credit feed from allys, if you're in pocket with no fear of attack, you can spam 3 for 20 min in game and end it like that
A little suggestion for diplo too it would be nice if you would make a deadly ship in par with canons, like a ship with 2000 dmg output (i'm sure someone asked for it first but i luv big guns T_T)