Netflix does deliver Transformers in the next three seconds. However, one second before it arrives. Chuck Norris decides that he wants to watch it, so the DVD gets itself to Chuck AFAP. You soon are dimayed and realize the movie ill never come, so you sell your dog to SmallTrippin, and it dies in the energy surge that took place one year later. You eventually become a hermit, eating only waffles and cereal, without any milk. But you enjoy the rest of your life as the ,ain attraction at one of the new zoos in Cambodia.
I wish I had my STMAS (Super Travel Machime And Stuff), so I could to the time and place of Star Wars, steal my favorite ship, and bring it back to the present and explore the Universe as I please. Have fun with GLobal Warming, FOOLS!

Edit: Darn you! gotta type faster. . .
I'll ruin Etrius' wish later, next person ruins mine.