Ill just give general tips on the importance of rushing...
Make sure your Shipyards are pinned . Nothing worse then forgetting to build a steady stream of ships. Happens to the best of us.
Anticipate your logistics. Cant stress this enough. Make sure your asteroid gets its logistic upgrade . Its so important that your transition from 1 - > 2 -> 3 military labs isnt delayed . Also you need the logistic to do double shipyard when you feel the time is right or you get additional feed.
Decide your planet bombing. Sometimes ive seen an EGG stuck bombing a planet for 2 minutes , when it has a nano that could have been used in battle instead. Make your choice wisely . If you see an asteroid go from 1000/2500 health..then this factors in to your decision . You could lose a ship battle because your not using your abilities.
When a player makes muliplae shipyards , you can pretty much make the assumption that they are going to get fed. The most important thing in this case is to make sure your allies feed you.
Rally pointing. Theres nothing worse then seeing a battle where your outnumbered , and its because half your fleet is sitting on its arse at your shipyards. The worse noobs will say they are "building up fleet" ...urgh.
If your vasari , nothing makes an enemy shit themselves more then a colony frigate. Lol , as they all chase it.