Considering the actual pirates that crack and post the games don't bother with DRM free games, the idea that someone is a pirate or pirate sympathizer for being against DRM is... stupid? As far as I can tell, they enjoy the challenge and race each other to crack the new game first. If there isn't anything to crack, and there isn't on any of them yet, what's the point?
Tell me, of the millions of pirated copies of Spore that exist, how many people actually cracked the game themselves? Twenty, maybe thirty? The rest just rode the other people's effort, just like they rode the game developer's effort. There's a huge difference between the guy who cracks it and the horde that use that crack. The cracker may not be interested in a DRM-free game, but the horde of users are. They get the game without having to wait for it to be cracked.
Not to mention the other stuff being tossed about. No registration of the game at all would mean even cracked copies can get updates and use the multiplayer servers. You don't see that as a benefit for pirate users?
WIlly: labelling someone as a pirate or pirate sympathiser because they're against DRM? That's pretty narrow-minded. I don't pirate, I pay for my software, but I'm completely against these DRM schemes such as appeared on BioShock, Spore, et al. You probably don't believe me, but I don't care. I have less than zero sympathy for pirates, since they're the reason I have to put up with seeing games I'd like to play be saddled with this bloody DRM* in the first place.
If they are against any DRM at all, of any type, yes. If you have an objection to specific DRM (securom, etc), that is entirely different. Disapproving of specific invasive side effects is not the same as painting it all with the same brush.
Yet another troll rant. Nothing new here. Ranting about DRM simply labels you as a pirate or pirate sympathizer to others. Reputation takes years to make, seconds to break. And yours was no different.
Bullshit. He has an opinion and has a right to speak it. Just because his opinion is different than yours, you label him a troll. It must be an awesome responsibility to be the only one whos opinion counts.
I'm calling him a troll because he's complaining about something he clearly doesn't understand in a self-contradictory manner and expects to be taken seriously. Stardock has never had a complete "no DRM" stance, at least not while I've been buying their games. He specifically approves of how Sins was handled, even though GOO is essentially the same thing with a name put on it. Somehow the name makes it bad?
As for my opinion being the only one that matters, no - but it does matter to me. Just like your opinion of me will likely color how you receive my posts, my now-diminished opinion of him will affect how (and even if) I read his posts in the future.