Noah's Ark and the Flood - Story Summary:
God saw how great wickedness had become and decided to wipe mankind from the face of the earth. However, one righteous man among all the people of that time, Noah, found favor in God's eyes. With very specific instructions, God told Noah to build an ark for him and his family in preparation for a catastrophic flood that would destroy every living thing on earth.
God also instructed Noah to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, both male and female, and seven pairs of all the clean animals, along with every kind of food to be stored for the animals and his family while on the ark. Noah obeyed everything God commanded him to do.
After they entered the ark, rain fell on the earth for a period of forty days and nights. The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days, and every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out. As the waters receded, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. Noah and his family continued to wait for almost eight more months while the surface of the earth dried out.
Finally after an entire year, God invited Noah to come out of the ark. Immediately, he built an altar and worshiped the Lord with burnt offerings from some of the clean animals. God was pleased with the offerings and promised never again to destroy all the living creatures as he had just done. Later God established a covenant with Noah: "Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." As a sign of this everlasting covenant God set a rainbow in the clouds.
Points of Interest from the Story:
• God's purpose in the flood was not to destroy people, but to destroy wickedness and sin.
• With more detail in Genesis 7:2-3, God instructed Noah to take seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, and two of every kind of unclean animal. Bible scholars have calculated that approximately 45,000 animals might have fit on the ark.
• Genesis 7:16 interestingly points out that God shut them in the ark, or "closed the door," so to speak.
• The ark was exactly six times longer than it was wide. According to the Life Application Bible study notes, this is the same ratio used by modern ship builders.
• In modern times researchers continue to look for evidence of Noah's Ark. Check out this article by Joe Kovacs from © on the "Ararat Anomaly."
Question for Reflection:
Noah was righteous and blameless, but he was not sinless (see Genesis 9:20-21). Noah pleased God and found favor because he loved and obeyed God with his whole heart. As a result, Noah's life was an example to his entire generation. Although everyone around him followed the evil in their hearts, Noah followed God. Does your life set an example, or are you negatively influenced by the people around you?
Can you all help in understanding this text? I don't think a religious person can understand because they are taught to follow their beliefs regarldless of the influence of people around them so don't really have anything to offer to prove their claims than what they were taught and not what they think. They are in effect trying to be Noah and be spared at the end of days.
So god killed man-kind and everything else from the face of the earth?
>> Morally speaking i don't think god is in the business of commiting mass murder in the name of religion. It reinforces the ideology of suicide bombers killing themselves in the name of god because god kills too in that preference.
Clean animals? Flood that destroys every living thing on earth?
>> As you can see bigdave: texts don't stick to what you are saying. Which brings me back to my original conclusion that texts have been altered throughout the century to the point its questioned the existence of god and accusing religion to being human kinds creation to explain why we exist: " to serve gods will"
Natures course has predators and nomadic creatures which can also be territorial in nature. How god determines wickedness in their course is questionable. They still portray the same characteristics as all animals and reptiles do today so how was there wickedness judged?
I think its an incomplete text written by man to explain god's punishment to people to who don't follow his words and seek to be like Noah. They say god created everything but they cant explain he's actual creations.
God also instructed Noah to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, both male and female?
>> Hermaphrodites are creatures of the same sex: e.g fish, reptiles: It is logical to ask why the text was phrased the way it was. Its incomplete thus once again questioning its validity. They cant take Hermaphrodites in pairs into the ark which means they didn't take everyone and left many to die.
Fish and reptiles are unclean?
Anyway, some time later he decided only jesus should die for our sins?:
If you ask me all of this death in his name doesn't sound like the god people are willing to believe in.
God was pleased with the offerings and promised never again to destroy all the living creatures as he had just done.?
>> really, he's very willing to admit his mistakes unlike some of the religious folks these days as they twist his words left right and centre. He did after all commit genocide on many species but hey there is no law to persecute god of-course because his god?
However, god was very interactive with us those days. What about these days? Not a single religious prophet as risen to rival the previous and any real present sightings and solidified hearings of god have not been documented.
So is god annoyed that he promised not to send a flood on us again and now is so pissed off with us to the point he just decided to enact a vow of silence? It could be that we are very behaved these days compared to those dark times but who makes the decision to decide gods will on the matter?
This is all so weird though how our religions are based on past events while the present offers no dramatic stories.