Military, economic, industrial, and research "focuses" could be 4 seperate sliders... as you slide the silders, say... from 100%,100%,100%,100%... to say... 150%,50%, 100%,100% you would get... (they allways have to add up to 400%... and for balance issues... prolly should not be able to go above 200%)...
(now, i am picking things preety much out of the air here, just like my other "government sliders" idea on page 7)
...bonuses and penelties... say... you get 25% more tactacal slots, and 25% faster ship build speed, and 25% cheaper emegerency facilities, but you would lose 25% of your logistical slots, and 25% of your trade port and tax income, and 25% higher cost on increasing logistical slots and population slots.
if you changed it to 100%,100%,150%,50%, you would get an extra 25% extractor income, 25% refinary income, and 25% more construction frigs... 25% cheaper tactical slots, but you would lose 25% effectiveness on any research labs you had built in the system.
(in other words... if you had 2 civic labs on your homeworld, and you lower research focus to 50%... now you only have 1.5 civic research labs, and say goodby to researching ice and lava planet colonization if you havent researched it allready, and things would take 25% longer to research, and civic technology would cost 25% more. (these would be, ofcourse an average over all the research focues present on labs... inother worlds... 2 military labs on a 50% world, and 2 military labs on a 150% world would balance eachother out... and your military research would act just like it does now))
say... just totally random numbers here... but lets pretend 0% focuse means 50% normal whatever, and 200% means 150% normal 0%, 200%, 200%, 0%, would mean that you got 1/2 ship build speed, 1/2 tactical slots,50% pricer emegerency facilities, 1/2 effective research facilities, and 50% increases on logistical slots, trade, refinary, and tax income, and all that other good stuff.
and just like the government slider idea... you would set what you would like it to be at, and as time passes the focuses slowly change over time to reflect what you want... but you can never set your sliders to settings that would... say... cause you to have not enough slots for your current buildings... inother words... you cant set your economic up to 200%, build a zillion trade depos, and put it back down to 100%, keeping all the builings you built.
Remember... just like all my stupid ideas... numbers should get a rough approximation of whatever... and are just for the idea... there are many balance issues that have to be addressed, and many possible bonues, and penelties that i did not address...
The important thing is this: My 2 ideas in this thread are just an attempt to make something that is "on" or "off"... like your either econ focus, OR researh focus OR military OR,... or your a democracy OR a commune OR a dictatorship... and make it something.... smoother... with "shades of grey" inbetween.