Ninja Karate kid hiding -- Evil ethics, ways, upsetting reactions, warning -- Hug me, hugs, Peace Bro -- Communicator, 10-4, Agreed, I concur -- You will be assimilated, Borg Conclusion, result, BanHammer, Judging decision, Final thought -- Moonlight, harmonious, comfy Winter, freeze, Canada! -- Grunt, clumzy steps, Trolling, Beserk -- Shocked, Confused, Misunderstanding -- Sarcasm, Irony, Incoherent, Flaws -- Rewardings, Compliments -- Cool, Gone to the beach -- Hey buddy -- Pizza freak -- Cheers, have one on me. -- Arrgghh, upset, stop this line of thoughts -- Told you so, you owe me some excuses -- Shy, admitting you were wrong -- Helping, to the rescue --

Vulcan, Spock, In all Logic -- RoFl, Hilarious -- Time will tell, patience, later -- Brad Wardell, The frogs -- Cylons, BSG, Robotics -- Karma points -- Shut up, no comment please.
Against or For anything. Stop, Continue.