Might as well share a tricky "process" i've used to determine effectiveness of tech loops as used by AIs, ScoutDog.
But, it is a huge task to setup.
1- They mostly pick from the fastest (weeks as listed on the sidebar, btw) available.
2- Create a brand new mod folder.
3- Call it TechQuest.
4- Pick a Major, blank their tech list, zero the customization points and hand it over to an opponent status.
5- Do the same for yourself - BUT, as the custom race only.
6- Start a game in Cheat mode. Keep tech trading ON & No-Brokering OFF.
7- Tiny map, One vs One, no Minors.
8- Nullify all YOUR research resources.
9- Stack a bunch of cash.
10- Go to the trade screens often enough to keep track of that AI particular choices.
11- Buy out.
12- Keep Going until every "possible" steps has been recorded.
13- If you're lucky you now HAVE the whole track record for that AI, based on its RC values such as political, ethical alignment & abilities.
14- See the complexity?
15- Adjust ONLY the tech value for Xeno-Engineering 30+ in a temporary TT.xml.
16- New game(s).
17- Watch the evidence.
18- Repeat for everything you need to know.
That's how i figured some specific tech paths last summer. I'd still be at it to detect 215 DA-techs worth in highly variable parameters of 12 Majors or not -- and, i'd yet have a few years more ahead of myself.