All of this reminds me of a request i made to SD staff in the "Please Slam my Game" thread a few months ago;
A true Research Governor from where we could use some sort of external xml listings and simply automate technos gathering. Even my adventures of trying to enumerate these from SandBox mode results file were bound to fail since the parser resets everything in numerical order; the only trace i figured had to be available somewhere.
Here's an excerpt from a very old file;
I purposely lost that game to find out... but, i didn't research number Zero(ImpossibleTech) upon starting (Xeno-Engineering#53 & GalacticWarfare#28 & TechVictory#215, etc - in fact) but to my dissapointment the saved result hadn't recorded the actual path and my own progress pace & choices. These numbers identify techs uniquely by reading the tech tree sequentially, slapping in the completed number of techs in the order mentioned above upon Victory, splash statistics, exit.
That way, we would have been able to share all of our stuff right here for Scoutdog project.
I'd really enjoy seeing MottiKhan secrets & tricks (and many more) too, though!
(PS; i still have the reference listing of exact IDs for DA techs... just PM me your eMail Scoutdog, and i'll send it all to you.)