Why come here to the forums for current customers and make an anouncement about a kick-ass computer that can be won by anyone but current customers? This might have been better placed on the Impulse Front-Site.
Iv'e said it a few times now and SD have not corrected me or had me shot so i will say it again.
Iv'e not seen anything saying that an exisiting customer is not allowed to create a new Impulse account, and therefore be a new customer, and purchase something.
I myself already have 2 Impulse accounts and am in need of a third (multi copies of GC2), i may create that account and put Elemental on my third account.
It will be a new email and new nick so it's a new account with a purchase, seems eligable to me.
Again, i've heard nothing about this being frowned upon by SD, but money is money, i'm sure they don't care if it's an entirley new customer or an exsisting one.
Seems easy enough to accomplish of your keen enough though, and shuts up the whiners.
Not hard to make another account, the facility to do so is built right into Impulse.