as I said above others may be able to help you better, but some Ideas are...
first click the radio button for enable
Device Priority Section
in the Device Priority section you could specify your computer by entering its MAC address. to find your MAC address go to...
start menu > run > type "cmd" without quotes to get the command prompt window.
in cmd prompt type "ipconfig /all" (again not quotes and leave 1 space between ipconfig and /), hit enter
find the Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection, under this section the "Physical address" is your PC MAC address. it will be formatted in 6 sets of 2 digits (numbers or letters) separated by a hypen (-) such as XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX.
enter each 2 digit combination in the MAC address field of the router config page. set the priority to Highest.
Not sure if the device name matters, you can probably just enter Resist_the_dawn_PC or something.
also not sure if this method works with wireless connections.
Ethernet Port Priority
will ONLY effect connections that are wired to the 1-4 LAN ports on the router. so if you have 2 or 3 systems wired you can set yours to high and the others to low.
Application Priority
you can specify a game (or app) you play online, set the priority to high and specify the port the game uses.
when that port is active the router will give it a higher priority.
make sure to click the "save settings" button at the page bottom or the setting won't apply.