I doubt that technology will ever replace neighbors. I don't see how technology would ever keep you from moving next door to someone it you enjoy that sort of thing. (I personally don't, but that may just be because my neighbors kick up a big rave whenever I try to sleep!)
Well see thats the thing. For a lot of people it has replaced their neighbors. Neighbors are now simply someone they live next too. They don't know them, whether they have kids, what their preferences are, hopes dreams, fears, etc. I remember one day about 10 years back some friends and I started playing MTG out in the drive-way. About halfway through the neighbor guys came up and were like "Is that MTG? Can we jump in?" so we had a 7 way MTG game going. One of my favorite childhood memories.
I don't see a whole lot of that going on anymore, I mean heck, to find someone to play a freakin' boardgame with I have to post on Boardgamegeek.com and hope they're a good crew.
Closer to home, if my refrigerator goes out, I get to call my parents across town because all my neighbors are absolute strangers. I really wish it weren't that way and I only really have myself to blame, but I feel like technology has made communicating with anyone so easy that people won't reach out and communicate with their neighbors. *shrug*
For those that say God created us in his image, I just got this to throw out there, maybe it'll throw your mind into a new track...
We are, at our basest element, all made up of energy. It is a fact of nature. So technically, were God an omnipresent field of energy, in a word "everything", then bam, we've already met the "in own image" characteristic there.
Actually thats a marginally old track for me. I actually have an essay on what it means to be human sitting on my hard drive, one of the aspects covered in it is the Image of God motif. I believe the image of God to be several things, but the most prominent being the intentional relationality human beings show when they genuinely care for one another. Thats a rough shortening of the idea, but its the basics.
I'm actually using the whole "everytihng is energy" idea as the basis for a 'magic' system in a fiction book I'm working on.