Ahhhh, but that leads to a clear deduction, don't you think?
Assignment of a tree to a modded Race and then, the list of pre-known techs that these have recorded into the RC file when initialization distributes the 'new' startup conditions for research paths. It took me awhile to realize that techs such as 'History of..." were special cases and that if a mod race were to skip any of the default structure - some preqs or 'impossible tech' tags HAD to be inserted in the files to let the combo-parsing routine do its job; which is to pick the valid tree framework (for that Race) from a two step scan as usual - 1) general GC2tree and 2) The individual Race tree.
Check for other typos too, (Ex -- Debug Message: Cannot find tech requirement ArtaficialGravity for tech Stellar Engineering) ya never know, maybe you did typed that particular one as Artificial in other places - or proceed by revert elimination to detect which single race config section has a flaw if any.
Example; If "Space Orbs" is typed as is in the main tree and ONE Race has it such as "SpaceOrbs"... that is all it takes for the entire init process to fail.