NEW Entrenchment 1.041:
Light Frigates (Courtesy of Amish)
All out Rush (Courtesy of Amish)
Scout Rush (Courtesy of Amish)
4v4 (Courtesy of me) It's an interesting game, sorta... Guy I faced minidumped. I think it's even money weather it would made that much of a difference if he stayed. My side had someone who we suspected to be a smurf, but turned out to be a newbie, happens often. So the newbie didn't lsiten at first, and got rolled like a fine cigar. Special thanks to Dark Vortex for great attitude towards the new guy, and picking up the slack on his side. Game ends with one side leaving due to some time constraints, but once again it's even money as to how it would play out. Especially since our side is heavy econ at that point.
OLD Entrenchment 1.03:
4v4 (Courtesy of Qu4r) Have not watched yet. Make comment later.
2v3 (From Top Vasari) Very nice game, the side with only 2 players wins.
4v5 (Courtesy of Me) Strange game. I won on my side barely by killing the enemy Marza which was at lvl 5. My marza was low like lvl 3 only because it was away from my fleet most of the game doing demolitions. I also took a beating to my income when my Homewolrd got a bit of razed
Luckily I still had good income cause of multiple roids+neutrals. Elsewhere there were so fights going on, my team was winning each of the fights thou, or at very least holding the line.
2v2 (Courtesy of Proliteri) Classic 2v2 with the winning team winning on both fronts. Multiple Capships used.
OLD Entrenchment 1.02:
4v4 (courtesy of JJ) JJ fights multiple players with heavy feeding going on all over the place. Nice attempt at use of culture.
3v4 (courtesy of Brothers in Arms [_] ): Interesting i guess is only way to describe this.
3v3 (Courtesy of mysterious person): Lots of early action. No econ beyond neutrals.
5v5 (Brothers in Arms): Fantastic map, everyone has fun, even the losing side!
3v3 (Brotehrs in Arms): Good rush, followed by nice rebuilding. Ending with a ncie starbase defense vs multiple fleets.
4v4 mixed : Mixed teams, sort of. The underdog team pulls an upset in this masterpiece of Sins art. Watch an evil rush unfold on an unsuspecting victim who goes 2 civic labs first. Also tactical prowess likes of which have not yet been seen by your truely. Taking my opponent apart in a systamtic and strategic matter, piece by piece.
5v5 mixed : Faced with certain doom due to map positioning, can Astax pull off a magic trick to stay alive? Also so horrible horrible play by his teamates
This game was really a 3v5. One guy surrenders after he lost 1 planet. Another guy has nagative income on 7 planets, and net income of 2.7 by late game (so much for mixing noobs and vets). I didn't even notice till i watched repaly
Comes with an extra special LOL moment at the end.
4v4 Economy on front : In MP you must be bold, and do as much as you think you can get away with! If you thinky ou can get away with doing economy on front, then do it! Game is upsidedown, and assbackwards, some pocket players not doing econ? Guy on front #2 in credits and econ overal wtf!
3v3 blowout : When you get taken out early, it's a blow-out. Happens to all of us sometimes. This game I made 1 mistake due to lag. I only got half the terran cap upgrade, oops. I mixed my econ and military build up pretty good. Only ran into trouble after colonizing enemy homeworld and a roid. But my allies helped me out with some cash to keep my factories pumping 
3v3 match : What to do when you suck? Try complaining about the other guy getting fed. If that doesn't work, lose...
Please let me know if the replays show odd behavior. Something that would not otherwise be considered normal
Had 1 replay desync fromw hat I remembered, but after I restarted Sins it played fine.