Proud to say that I have an ORIGINAL scan of this image taped to my desk
Not that scans are original, but whatever.
Will these internal trade boats and caravans work similar in fashion to trade ships in GC2, except more or less automatic,
Much more set up your build priorities and the caravans will automaticially ship around the necessary resources.
Are the trade caravans just aesthetic or can we actually attack them to disrupt enemy supply lines and steal their resources?
You better beleive it!
What measures will there be to reduce this so that large maps aren't encumbered by tedious decisions? Or will having cities be a really rare thing?
If you think about most fantasy worlds, there's really only a handful of major cities, with a smattering of smaller villiages throughout the countryside...even on the largets maps, I really never see you managing the 100+ colonies you could in late GC2 games.
I could be wrong, but I feel that many settlements would break the spirit of the game.
Now, as for micromanagement options, we've been discussing methods for queuing up imperial objectives which are then handled by the AI. This would allow you to be as hands on, hands off as youd like, but wouldn't be 'the game playing for you' since it requires 'broad stroke' imput from you. It'd also give the AI something to work with in Multiplayer games that are being played while you're away (per your settings).
Anyways, we have an internal Alpha 1 due next week...we'll have more to talk about, and time to talk, after that.