Other ideas - more to trigger thought than definitive probables ....
- Sound Card, often a culprit of the wacky faults, check driver updates
- Registry. Is it cleaned out? Use a Registry cleaner to check it - Uniblue do a good one, it doesnt cost much. Initial enthusiasm inherent in a new build means lots of loads and installs - registry can sometimes groan a bit under the weight of all the new stuff/deletions/poor software programming leaving bits behind in the Hives etc etc.
- I note the water cooler - good move - is it doing its job? Heat sensor check can at times show up heating issues, and that definitely is a culprit in a huge number of wacky looking faults.
- Memory. Is it seated properly, worth turning the beast off, grounding yourself, and giving the memory boards a firm (but controlled lol!) shove to make sure they are seated firmly.
- Its possible a memory module on one of the memory boards is going/is faulty. Download a memory check utility, lots around, and run a test overnight. MemCheck always a good start as a utility.
- Open her up and check for dust clogging air intakes, cpu's, gpu's. It can gather amazingly quickly, quick squirt with a compressed air can (with PC switched off and cooled down ....) can sometimes do the trick.
- Windows software fully updated ?
- Read only full disk check for bad sectors etc, turn off automatic fix at first, just find any lurking and then decide what to do.
- Run Taskmanager see whats taking up CPU resource, might be something running in the background you forgot about.
- Check all cabling seated properly on the motherboard and that no connector is working loose.
- Do a visual check of the motherboard of any raised capacitor. Most motherboards have built in indicators on the top of these raised capacitors, and if issues with them will show a dark segment on the surface of the capacitor dome. Indictors showing dont always mean armagedeon, so see a qualified tech if you see any (they are sensitive indicators and will often show levels of wear and tare but the motherboards still works ok, for the moment). Non the less if you spot some, go get professional tech advice about next steps. If a lot of capacitors are showing these dark dome indications on part of the top surface, it can mean the motherboard is going south, dont delay go talk to someone who knows their stuff about it - its not something to ignore. It can happen if the board or CPU was ever subjected to severe overheating and degraded the capacitors. Keep perspective, its unlikely frankly, its rare this will show up, but it can, so keep an eye on that one.
- If still issues - Suicide is an option ...... .....
- But preferably head over to www.guru3d.com log into the forum there, and post for help. There are a number of spaced out PC Nerds there, who are amongst the most helpful, friendly and knowledgeable guys on the Planet...... who at night time subject themselves to subliminal techniques to update their latest thinking on PCs, and then spend every waking moment up to their armpits in their latest nuclear driven glycol powered nano PC, and their idea of a social event is a disertation on the register cores of the latest IBM i7 cpu .....
They get very impressed when people remember to say please and thank you ....