The bloodmaster commander, when the Confederation of Augments found itself assaulted by the Purity Protectorate it found its forces powerful in the fight but heavily outnumbered. Therefor the Fleet needed an edge. With its powerful Sentient computers, and well trained tacticians the Bloodmaster commander can turn any situation into a win for the Confederation.

The Bloodwave battle cruiser, first of the confederation's efforts at building a ship entirely devoted to war as opposed to modifying civilian craft for the destruction of an enemie invasion force. The bloodwave is designed to work in concert with a battle fleet, usually made up of 3 bloodwave, each one devoted to one type of weapon along with a support craft. Unlike some race's ships the bloodwave has more of a focus on defense than attack, using teamwork and the sheer power of their unstoppable counter measures to wear opponents down.
The Cargo cube, a multipurpose modular vessel built by the Tommorrow corp, bringing Tommorrow's Salutions to today the Cargo cube has been outfitted with everything from colonization equipment to being pressed into wartime service as a troop carrying ship. The size of a small moon the vessel is, nevertheless delicate and quite often becomes massive memorial of shrapnel and junk when the enemy manages to make it past the "thin red line."