That IS one of those many things which i would have liked to see in the default Editors (yet again, one needs to KNOW the file structure & how it is compiled - not for the faint at heart, btw)...
I'd certainly use such stuff to grab a map settings_conditions_values_locations for later use in the regular Map editor, if anything & only for that.
Some spanish guy (IIRC, the name was ergie or somethin') gave this coding trick a try a few months ago and i can't remember where i left his set of files... but i'll look around the old PC and let you know where he can be reached.
Besides, everyone understands how complex Hex_Editing can be if you don't have the source material sideways to at least consult or refer to. Reverse-engineer or decompile at your own risk -- for personal use ONLY i might add.
Plus, don't cheat.
And, be honest!
Now, i could find it. This was a simple Planet surface scanning which provided all Hex fields of each 72 tiles (for every planets present in the file) with content for later edit & re-saving to load it all up later.
Trick was to identify all the different Bonus datasets & trough trial & Error, change Food with a Precusor Mine, etc.
But, he can only be contacted via PM (I can understand why!). He even mentioned that much more 'features' would be coded into his little utility eventually... haven't heard from him since.
In the meantime, i understand MrKorx is actively developping extensive editing stuff over at I-Mod - you may want to try contacting him too.