Alright, first;
"supposedly 500,000 owners" - why should Stardock or any other party lie about this? I think they know a little bit better than anyone else how many bought their game. (By the way, I never play SoaSE online, and never will, due to the fact that a good game takes several hours, and I only play MP for that long at a nice LAN party - there, that said.)
"Red Alert 2 gets 3x that in a day and its like 10 years old." - What has that got to do with anything?! You can't possible expect to compare SoASE to RA2 in any possible way. (Except maybe the fact that they are PC RTS games.)
There's so many different aspects that is an impossibility, end of line.
"Frankly they need to do it now no matter what the cost or I seriously fear that Sins or a Solar Empire will die off very soon leaving us nothing but Homeworld 2 and Masters of the Orion." - They NEED to do this, because you fear all poor gamers will be stuck with two other games? Read that sentence a couple of times, it simply doesn't sound right.
"Online play though is riddled with desync's, disconnections, minidump, and errors of all kinds." - Strange, why are people playing the game online if it's as buggy as you claim? Furthermore, I know of several people playing the game often and never getting any problems. Too bad for you if there's an issue with the game on your computer, contact the support with it instead of making a quite hilarious thread about huge problems with the game just based on your own experience with it.
"It also seems like practicaly no one uses it. 152 ppl today got on and everyone was all excited because we finally had more than 150 players on." - There is a difference between 0 (as in "no one") and 150. Also, as I mentioned; games with >2 players take a long time, a VERY long time, so this might be a reason for few people playing it online, not all have the time to spend for larger games.
"Sins needs a totaly new online atmosphere and they need tell all their supposedly 500,000 owners that the new online is improved and usuable." - Yet again, need this and need that, I think the developers know a bit better than you what the game needs and not. Suggestions are another thing, but then make them appear as such, and not petty demands.
"Lets make it our goal to rebirth the online gameplay..." - Oh, get on and play? You can't make other people play online if they don't want to, and then we get back to your demands from Stardock to improve the game to your details. Again, suggestions and bug reports are the way to go, inspire the developers to make new patches and fixes. Making demands, whining and all this crap isn't going to help...