Deutsch or rather, the former Weimar Republic
The Germans are cool, but my logo has nothing to do with them. It's from a Terran Empire mod in the Library.
And now for a very long quote:
*Homer Simpson walks into a voting booth; it houses an electronic voting machine*
Homer: Oooh, one of those electronic votig dealies!
*He presses a button labled 'Barack Obama', and the button labled 'John McCain' flashes.*
Machine: One vot for McCain, thank you.
Homer: (Chuckles) No, I wanna vote for Obama.
(Presses the Obama button again)
Machine: Two votes for McCain, thank you.
Homer: (Groans) C'mon, it's time for a chnage!
(Presses Obama button again)
Machine: Three votes for McCain, thank you.
Homer: (presses Obama button three times) No,No,No!
Machine: Six votes for President McCain.
Homer: (shakes machine) Hey, I only meant one of those votes for McCain! (Gasps and backs away from machine) This machine is rigged!
*Doors open on machine and a tube come out. Air is sucked into the machine, vacuum-like, pulling Homer in*
Homer: (Grasping curtains but sliding toward machine) Must...tell...President...McCain!
*Homer falls onto the floor and slides toward the machine, but grabs onto the lip of the tube*
Homer: This does't happen in America! Maybe Ohio, but not in America!!!!
*Machine sucks Homer in and the doors close. Cut to outside of voting booth.*
*Machine makes chainsaw noises as Homer screams. Blood leaks out from under the booth. Homer, presumably dead, flies out of the booth and lands on the floor. An old man puts a sticker on Homer's forehead*
*Zoom in on sticker. It reads 'I Voted!' 'Hail to the Chief' plays.*