You can join by replying under this post by providing some information about you ex: who you are, what clan stuff have you done before, and what you would get out of joining the Ildiran Empire Clan or you can pm with this information. Or if you see me on ICO my name is [IE]Adar Zan'nh, you ask to join my clan by doing a 1v1 match with me and i will see how good you are, it will not matter if you loose against me.
Our website is underconstruction: and the server we are using is under repair: heatsink replacement and glue, bios setup, high security for web hosting. It will be about two months before it will be open.
The command structure of this clan starts off with the Adar the head of the Ildiran Solar Navy which is me who commands all underlying officers: Tal, Qul, MO stands for basic militant officer. The Adar controls all navy ships, the Tal commands a cohort which is 343 ships, the Qul commands a manniple which is 49 ships, and the MO is the commander of a single ship. The Tal commanders can ovveride my commands by a 3/4 vote at anytime unless in dire situations. If I am not present the first Tal which will below my name is in command then so on and so forth.
The Command Structure
Adar: [IE]Adar Zan'nh ( DarthCaedusMorgan )
Toka: [IE]Toka Torakamka'zi ( Samurye )
Tal: [IE]Tal Gendron'nh ( InfernalCreator )
Qul: [IE]Qul Neamtu'nh ( SNeamtu )
Qul: [IE]Qul The Undying ( The_Undying )
Tal: [IE]Tal Omnichron ( General_Sherman )
Qul: [IE]Qul Noobsauce'nh ( noobsauce94 )
Qul: [IE]Qul Orodum( Orodum )
Tal: [IE]Tal PinGas ( ChrisVickers )
Qul: [IE]Qul Badgers ( Badgers )
Qul: [IE] Qul RBeast38 ( superfingers )
When you join you should create a new ICO user name and pm your new user name
the guidlines for your name are:
1) it has [IE] in front
2) Then is your command title ex: [IE]Qul...
3) what ever name you choose
4) (optional) you can end your name with 'nh which signafies your a military officer. ex: Adar Zan'nh
Thanks for your cooperation.
[IE]Adar Zan'nh (DarthCaedusMorgan)
I have a website created right now, however my thumbdrive blew up this morning by a nuclear explosion, so its kinda glitched up but have it up anyways. You will find the website name real weird because it is the only place available for free at the moment my server is still not connected or web host supporting: Clan Website/IldiranEmpireClan.html
The Darth and Samurye Show
This is the new website/forum this link here does not work please type it in, or click the external link text near the title.
I will have a complete Vs. chart within the next few days.
I put a final reply down to let You guys know when I am ready to start.
These names were randomly shuffled upside down by my friens on sheets of paper and was organized as this below.
Battle Track 1
[IE]Adar Zan'nh Vs. [IE]Tal Grendron'nh
[IE] Qul RBeast38 Vs. [IE]Tal Omnichron
[IE]Toka Torakanka'zi Vs. [IE]Qul The Undying
[IE]Qul Badgers Vs. [IE]Qul Noobsause'nh
[IE]Qul Orodum Vs. [IE]Qul Neamtu'nh