On a more serious note though -- i *still* would want the planetary terrain tiles/images scramble to be fixed as i mentioned elsewhere.
I asked CodeCritter about that and we couldn't exactly remember the problem, what caused it, or how we might fix it, and we didn't have time to look into it for 2.01.
I don't have the exact thread_s (which described in details the particular stuff) but AFAICR this is the most 'important' fix to do in my mind.
I'll extrapolate a bit further so that you can at least refer to this issue from here on end just in case you don't want to be bothered with scanning through the whole forum for nothing! 
- Once the homeworld surface pops up, the 72 tiles available can all be clicked on for "inspection". Most green tiles are Prairies as they should and the upgradable Yellow is sometimes a Desert or a Swamp, etc. If you happen to select a random number of those tiles (on THIS planet), the engine somehow keeps tab of the string (text) displayed as the usual query routine must do it *AND* slaps the corresponding image for it. Ocean, Artic, Mountains can also be clicked for... and will indeed show correctly on THIS planet.
- Send your colony ship to the nearest planet and NOW; inspect that new surface. Surprisingly, whatever you were looking at in every spot on the 12X6 grid of tiles from the homeworld will be reproduce on THIS planet too if the selected tile is empty! The surface would pick the swamp location from HW (say the 8x4 spot) and put a picture of a Jungle (etc) but name it a Swamp (or what was on the previous planet).
- Keep colonizing, but IF you were to NOT click on anything expect to build an improvement on a number of planets... the entire pool of 72 tiles should eventually loop to fill a memory region so that every slot ID is freezed as the main reference from now on. Image & Query names, included!!
- Knowing that ocean is the most common tile anywhere -- and this mix_scramble up is occuring -- it is not rare to find that every improvable tiles on any new planets are (you guessed it) shown as Ocean when they are in fact Desert, Jungle, Swamp or even prairies!
Visually, the height maps do make sense and perform the coloring shemas (in DA, btw) but as soon as a scan is performed between more than two planets, this memory slog outputs wrong info about tiles - recursively grabbing a looped resource of 72 references all the way to the last planet.
Thus, the Interface hands over false tiles text and matches anything, as a result, with the wrong query images. More so in the Equatorial regions (greater chances) and rarely for Mountains in Polar edges, etc.
Here's hoping this loooong description was clear enough for you to fix this strange "mess"; so that i can, finally, put in the Abyss, Coast, Volcanic, etc (and specific extreme tiles) on my raw maps for X-Worlds & have the UI give the right query images & text strings for anything - everywhere!