What do you mean by the following (page 15)?
We are going to add IP protection services to the Impulse Reactor platform so that publishers at leasthave an alternative to methods like SecureROM, Tages or Steamworks. As a practical matter, mostgame publishers who want to protect their IP have few options right now.
If this means adding DRM to some Impulse content, this will greatly reduce my interest in it, as Impulse was toted as the DRM-less source of software. At least any DRM restriction should be clearly labelled in the store.
Impulse is not touted as a DRM-less source of software. STARDOCK's retail games, do not.
Whether it be TotalGaming.net or Impulse, third-party games have always been and are always free to use whatever they want to use provided that they inform the customer what they are doing.
For example, if EA were to put Spore on Impulse and they insisted on using their own copy protection scheme, we have to abide by that whether we agree with their position or not.
So what can be done to improve that? The answer is to try to encourage publishers to move away from draconian (or "harsh DRM" as I think the EA CEO said) over to something that's effective but doesn't inconvenience customers. So we're evaluating whether to include that sort of thing in Impulse Reactor (the back end API set we provide).
That said, STARDOCK games, will continue with the same policy we've had for 5+ years now. No CD copy protection.