Aww Geez
I'm dissapointed that this thread has gotten off topic and as such i fear that we will never see the tweaks that we were asked to tell SD about.
This thread is not about what more can be done to the MV to make it better. It is about tweaking/fixing broken features that SD has already implemented into the MV that for whatever reason are just not wroking right.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I want this thread to remain on those topics, not any other requests or faults. I don't think that it is too much to ask that that be the case. So when someone goes off on what is unrelated topics as it pertains specifically to this thread i will, for the second time, resereve the right to get somewhat peeved at said person. Especially when said person is basically calling me a cheater. No matter what style of play i may employ. (refrains from going any further on topic)
Zyx, i pointed out to at the start of this topic what my questions/concerns are and that is what this topic is about. You have every right to request what you want of SD, all i ask is that you do so in the appropriate place.
This is not it.
My fear is, if i were a dev/mod and i was reading this thread, i would see that the community could not even agree on a few little fixes of already inplace features and want to just suggest not supported and far off fanciful idea's.
I would then give up on the thread.
I want this to remain on topic, it is the only way these fixes will gain any attention.
Keep on topic about tweaks to already implemented MV features as already listed. Want to suggest something else, by all means, go to forums, click Metaverse and click New Post.
I will update OP with agreed upon list.