Indeed Mumble it is a win that is required for the medal.
That explains it.
I know you dont like the strategy Mumble, but you could also do ZYWs to get the medal.
Actually I don't even know how to do a 15 minute ZYW. I suppose I could figure it out but it really isn't worth the trouble. Like I said it's for my Toshiro Mifune character that I was about to reset and I've already gone ahead and reset him.
I'm actually giving one more try at getting 1M in DL and I need a fresh character for the attempt. The primary change I'm adding to my previous strategy involves getting a large number of Hyperion Shrinkers. The problem is that I'm fairly well convinced that Mag got cheat flagged on a game last year due to an excessively high miniaturization level.
With a fresh character I can make the attempt and if it gets cheat flagged then I can simply reset it again and not lose anything valuable.